Unstoppable Faith: Overcoming Adversity and Living Empowered by the Holy Spirit (30 Days in Acts)


SKU: ACTS Category:



Sometimes I just want to stay silent instead of sharing with my friends about “how I am doing.” The truth is I am overwhelmed. We’ve faced a lot of adversity in our family, and I am struggling to not give way to discouragement because I prayed for a miracle, but instead I am trying to survive a mess.

I keep telling myself that God is in control, and that my breakthrough is coming. I just need to trust the Lord and lean into His strength to see me through this one faith-filled step at time.

When I feel completely powerless, I cry out to the Almighty. I don’t know what to do, but I know Who I need.

Friend, you and I are ordinary women who don’t have enough strength to make it on our own. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble.” (John 16:33) Thankfully, we have a Savior who overcame death to rescue us, and He has not left us all alone to figure things out on our own.

The Spirit of the resurrected Christ lives in you and me, and His supernatural strength empowers us to move forward with unstoppable faith.

The book of Acts tells the story of ordinary men who faced intense opposition, but walked in step with the Holy Spirit. God’s grace was powerfully at work in them.

FOR 30 DAYS, spend time “with Jesus” AS YOU read THROUGH Acts. ask God to fill YOU with His Spirit afresh and empower YOU with His supernatural grace.


Every study journal has Scripture reading for each day, a journaling page, and a devotional reading to help fuel  your faith.

The format we use is a unique take on the SOAP method of Bible study. Here’s how you will “F.U.E.L Your Quiet Time” every morning:

F: Focus on the Word.

We’ll start by digging into Scripture. Write out the focus verse for the day, and then circle or underline any key words you notice that stand out to you.

U: Unpack the Truth.

We’ll unpack the key message God is sharing with us to help us live with greater wisdom.

What do you learn about who God is from this passage?

What do you learn about how you should live?

E: Envision your Future.

We are called to be “do-ers” of the Word. What is a simple action step you can take to apply the truths of this passage in your daily life.

How will this impact how you treat others?

How will this impact your decisions?

L: Linger in His Presence.

Conclude each day surrendering your way to the Lord’s will as you offer Him your heart. Ask Him to help you lay your all on the altar.