21 Words on Exercising Your Faith
Surrender. Speak His name. Start walking forward in hope. Stand with confidence in God’s waiting room. Shine your little light joyfully. Joining like-minded sisters at Domestic Serenity: Photo Credit
For 17 years, I worked as a high school language arts teacher. Every Fall, I bravely stepped up to the podium for the start of the new school year full of hope and fresh promise. The year before had been wiped away — lessons had been learned (more by me than the students, I…
Lay self down on the altar. Abandon yourself to love. Sit silently and listen for His leading. Yield and yield again. Joining like-minded sisters at Domestic Serenity and Beholding Glory: Psst… Click here to enter a giveaway of Made to Crave by Lysa Terkerurst and God’s Story, Your Story by Max Lucado. Photo Credit
Do you feel it? The air feels crisper, and color is bursting forth everywhere. God, the designer of seasons, is beautifully transforming the canvas of our world right before our eyes. Just as He colors the leaves, He delights in creating a new portrait in our hearts. Two years ago, a metamorphosis began for me. …
Women who defy the odds capture my attention. Despite overwhelming circumstances working against them, some women flourish — flowers growing out of cement. Their stories serve as inspiration for others to stay resilient during a dark season. So, from time to time here on the blog, we will be spotlighting the lives of Biblical…
This teacher always encouraged her students to take notes. Ok, I didn’t just encourage — I basically cajoled and badgered all my reluctant teenage scribes to put pen to paper. Why do you ask? Well, it’s a well-documented fact that we retain more information by manipulating it through writing, rehearsing orally, and interacting manually…