When God is in the Midst
On Saturday, I bounced out of bed and danced around the bedroom as I prepared for a fabulous post-birthday breakfast with two of my bestest friends. I was singing a happy tune when my phone suddenly started dinging. I glanced down and deflated immediately. I called out to Bruce, and I fought back tears as I handed him my phone. He ingested the gut wrenching news, and then we stood in my bathroom and clung to each other crying. We looked up to heaven and prayed for a miracle.
I walked around in a fog for a few minutes, but before I could find solid footing, another text message followed.
He is with Jesus now.
I wanted to rejoice. Really, I did. I mean, my mind understood he was miraculously healed beyond what I could perceive. But, all I could picture was a grieving young woman and her three baby girls left without a warrior to protect them.
Oh, Lord, why?
I spent most of my weekend wrestling with fear. It was almost 1 AM when I sat up in bed as Bruce peacefully snored beside me and finally opened up my Bible to work through these feelings.
The passage before me was my daily reading in Psalm 46, and I decided to pray these Scriptures over a new single mom and her three loves. I started at verse 1:
Lord, be her refuge and strength today, a very present help in trouble.
Father, help her not to fear — even though the earth is crumbling around her, and that mountain of a man is gone away.
Be an overflowing source of refreshment in her life. May she feel your joy flowing through her day even now.
When I got to verse five, God and I had a moment. I am quite sure I’ve read Psalm 46 hundreds of times since I first cracked open a Bible in 1979, but this time, Psalm 46 came alive in a fresh way:
God is in the midst of her. She shall not be moved.
The Spirit of God told me this sweet sister would be just fine. But, I heard Him whisper to me as well: “This one’s for you, too. Hold on to it.”
You see, I live in Florida. So, just 3 days after I sat up in bed reading Psalm 46, we started shuttering our house to create a safe haven from a monstrous hurricane headed our way.
All week long, I’ve heard the Holy Spirit whisper sweetly:
I am in your midst. You will not be shaken.
Tonight, as I watched the 11 PM advisory, I learned we will start feeling the impact of hurricane force winds at 5 AM on Sunday. But, I don’t need to fear.
Hear the Word of the Lord to Lyli: “God shall help her just at the break of dawn.”
I looked up what time sunrise will be on Sunday, and I discovered that twilight is at 5:46 AM, but sunrise isn’t until 7:04. I did a little reading and learned that twilight is the intermediary waiting time between light and dark. It’s neither day nor night.
My friend Marisol first pointed out the beauty of this season of waiting years ago one day as we drove home together: “I love looking at the pretty pink sky.” Marisol is a noticer, and she helped me to stop and see.
Much of my faith is lived in the diffused light of shadow. My faith is not fully made sight, but there is beauty to be discovered if I am willing to look for it.
I don’t know what storm you may be facing today, friend. Maybe you are in the midst of the raging winds of adversity, or perhaps you are standing in the shadows wondering when the light will fully shine again.
Wherever you are, God is with you. He whispers peace. He will provide what you need for today. Trust Him.
The refuge of God’s presence provides peace within in the midst of the raging storm without.
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You are in my prayers, Lyli!
Thanks, praying friend! <3
I had never thought about how appropriate Psalm 46 is for a hurricane, but will be praying these words for you and others who are in the path of Irma.
Blessings to you, Lyli.
Thanks, Michele. Hugs
Lyli, just beautiful. God is in our midst in every situation. He is not a God who is far off. I continue to pray for this young wife and her family. And for all of you who will experience this coming storm. xo
Thank you, Joanne — love you
Lyli, your constant faith inspires. I love your posts on Facebook about your hurricane preparations. You stand strong and take courage. Praying God protects you as you wait on Him to reveal even more lessons from the experience of Irma. ((Hugs))
What a good post – seriously, really good. Sharing with sister who is sequestered in a CBS house in Royal Palm Beach waiting to see our God ride on the wings of the wind. xoxoxo
Lyli, a post which creates a contradiction in my soul. I praise God for the eyes of insight He imparted to you. A beautiful post containing heart wrenching circumstances. You handled your words with compassion and confidence in our Father. Praying for your friend as she grieves and transitions. Praying for Bruce and you as you face the literal winds of an angry hurricane. Praising God for your perspective and His Word. Thank you for sharing your life and your faith with us.
will share. excellent post. will be praying in your dawn-time on Sunday. you will be safe in the palm of His hand.
These are wonderful Scriptures for someone with an impending storm or enduring one. Thank you for sharing and may He continue to be with you.