Today is not a DIY Project

Today is Not a DIY Project | 3dlessons4life.comPhoto Credit

“It says right here that you need to wear leather gloves and goggles,” I say to my husband. He’s decided to take down the mirrored wall in our living room that is 1970’s chic. The problem is that we don’t really know how to tackle it. It’s glued on there like cement. So, I do what every Do-It-Yourself-er knows to do – I watch a video on You Tube for instruction.

My husband turns toward me briefly and flashes a lopsided gin. “Nah, I can do this,” he assures me. He is not interested in the video at all.

“Listen up, dude, that wall is glass. It can break into a million pieces and cut you up. Promise me you will wear big goggles and a long shirt. I happen to like your baby blues, and I do not want to end up in the emergency room with you again.”

I shake my head and wish I had a less stubbornly independent husband. What is he thinking? He needs protection.

It’s not until the next morning as I am sitting up in bed that God reminds me I am just as stubborn. You see, I tend to face my day with the same recklessness that my man faces a remodeling project.

Every day, I am facing a wall plastered in pride that needs to come down. I’ve lived with its ugliness for so long that I wonder how to even begin tackling it.

I can’t brashly say “I’ve got this one, God.” Dismantling a stronghold of sin is not a DIY project. I need protection. I must arm myself with powerful tools.

If I try to take down that wall in my own strength, I am going to end up wounded and weary. So, I turn to the Master Builder for instruction.

How to Dismantle a Wall:

Step One: I must protect myself. It begins by walking in peace and covering my mind with a helmet that will project my thinking when the darts of the enemy start flying. My tender heart should be encased in an armored plate of His righteousness that is just right for my size.

Step Two: I must immerse myself in the instruction manual. I need to tie its wisdom tightly around my core. Truth will help me hold things together if life starts falling apart.

Step Three: I must pick up the right tools. Faith will shield me from any shards that try to penetrate my life. The sword of the Spirit is sharp enough to pierce through any barrier that stands in my way.

Step Four: I must get on my knees every morning and call out to God for His all—powerful intervention. I’m adopting two new hashtags: #ArmorOn #PrayedUp

Today is not a DIY Project.

Rather than make a DIY mess, let’s arm ourselves with God’s protective gear and powerful weapons as we partner with Him to tear down walls and transform the atmosphere.

Today is Never a DIY Project |

Something to think about…



  1. I love how you parleyed actually tearing down walls into such a great lesson for us. God is an expert and breaking through our barriers and I’m so glad we tackle every single day with him at our side.

  2. Awesome words and I love your new hashtags! I recently switched my Bible reading from evening to morning to make sure I’m starting the day on the right foot and in the right frame of mind. It’s been so refreshing to soak up Jesus while I drink my coffee… or sometimes before even getting out of bed!

  3. Oh, this is so good . . . I can’t begin to list all the walls I’ve taken on with my crowbar and my good intentions.
    Then God comes in and cleans up my DIY mess.
    Thanks, Lyli.

  4. “Truth will help hold things together if life starts falling apart.” YES! Amen! This is a great post! Thank you for your words!

  5. Hi Lyli, I like the soldier description to this post. And it is true our warfare requires that we are properly suited up for the battle ahead.
    Thank you for the linkup ?
    PS. ..I really appreciate your encouragement on the blog.
    Blessings to you

  6. Wow! What a terrific analogy and lesson! Loved this–especially the thought of dismantling the stronghold of sin and facing a wall plastered in pride. Wonderful metaphors.

  7. Lyli, I always look forward to visiting your space. You hit the truth right where I live. Thank you! And thanks for hosting us each week. Blessings and hugs!

  8. “Rather than make a DIY mess, let’s arm ourselves with God’s protective gear and powerful weapons as we partner with Him to tear down walls and transform the atmosphere.” Lyli, I love your analogy in this post. I have the same trouble…. But your post is very encouraging. We don’t have to do it alone. We need to make use of the weapons and protective gear that God has provided and trust Him to be with us all the way. Blessings to you!

  9. Lyli,
    I am always so excited to stop by here each week! Your work is so creative, yet filled with straight to the point TRUTH! I love it! And I just gotta say, AMEN! It is not a DIY,we need our armor every single day!

    Thank you for hosting this truth-filled gathering each week!

    Blessings and smiles,

  10. Lyli, you are a woman after my own heart. I love your word pictures, your analogies – they always help me apply the *lesson* so much better! I can remember several DIY projects, and many times when the instructions were ignored, things did not turn out well. My husband, who was in construction all of his life, has taught me one thing above all else. There comes a time when it is most prudent to admit that you can’t do something by yourself, and you must call in an expert. Yup, there’s a faith lesson in that for sure!

    God, please help me let go, and stop insisting that life is a DIY. I will only mess up, and You are the expert. Turn my life into a GDI – God Does It!!


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