Tear Down the Walls

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Lately, I sing my prayers.
Let me explain. I am not a song writer. I don’t know how to play the guitar or create melodies. I just love to sing along with the radio in my car.
As I belt out the words, God tunes my heart to sing His grace. He quietly reminds my heart what is true and re-aligns my perspective.
Are you feeling stuck in your prayer life? Maybe you need a change in atmosphere. Grab your headphones and head outside. Set aside an hour to worship and pray.
Let the lyrics enliven your spirit as you exalt His name.
He reigns over all. All creation sings praise.
Spirit come and change the atmosphere
Convict and open hearts here
The anthems that the angels sing
The worship of the King of kings
For Jesus reigns
Over all He reigns
We Exalt Your Name
High above the heavens
We Exalt Your Name
All of creation sings praise
Your presence fills and satisfies
Tears down the walls we hide behind
Oh, God of every aching heart
We long for You in light and dark
Lord, tear down the walls.
Rise up in all Your power.
Let’s Pray Big in Community:
This year, my desire is to lift up holy hands and “Pray Big.” Want to join me? I’ve created a private “Pray Big” Facebook group for like-minded sisters to share their stories and surrender each one to our mountain-moving God in prayer. Let’s cry out to God together.
Hi….love this. Music is my worship language and often God speaks to me through music. I have an old playlist I use when I fly somewhere and more often than not the music I hear on shuffle is just what I need.
visiting here from Give me Grace Community.