Hold Fast in Hard Times — Strike a Match (Day 7)

Strike a Match


This weekend, the weather was beautiful.  The sky was blue and cloudless.  The breeze was light and refreshing.  I wish every day could be like a perpetual sunny day.  Unfortunately, rain is bound to come.  We must accept that storms are a part of life.

When a squall hits at sea, we are often sailing in unchartered waters.   It’s natural to wish for a return to the safe shore.

This weekend, I gained some wisdom on how to Hold Fast in the midst of the whirlwind, and I wanted to share it with you first hand in a VLOG…




Let’s strike a match on all that is holding us back from moving forward in faith toward the victory God has for us ahead.  Let’s present our very lives as an offering to our King.



…The Lord your God is testing you

to find out whether you love Him

with all your heart and with all your soul.

It is the Lord your God you must follow,

and Him you must revere.

Keep His commands and obey Him;

serve Him and hold fast to Him.

Deuteronomy 13:3-4, NIV



I’m sharing “Strike a Match” joining The Nester and friends for #write31days and linking up with like-minded sisters at The SDG Gathering, Testimony Tuesday, and Rich-Faith Rising.
To see all of the posts in this series, head on over here.



  1. Amen! How often do we, as the Israelites, keep those high places filled with idols and images that are not of God? Yes, far too much! Thank you, Lyli. Yes, you have encouraged me this evening.
    As you neighbor over at Unite.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  2. Oh Lyli. What a special message – and what a joy to have it delivered by you personally! I have been greatly encouraged tonight, and inspired to lay down the things that hamper me from moving forward in my faith journey. It might not happen all at once, but with the Lord’s help, my *match* will light a great, refining fire!


  3. Sighing heavy. I’m in a place where I have to look back and determine that which ought to be burned and that which must be embraced with more fervor than ever before. Yep – burning some ships at present, and thanking the Lord for the place they have brought me – though uncharted.

    Taking only that which the flames reveal as gold into the next season . . .

    Being brave . . .


  4. Lyli – Oh your beautiful spirit! Such a great word today! There is not going back, not looking back to our proverbial Egypts, no longing for the slavery of yesterday, just a turning forward, keeping our eyes on the prize, and holding tightly to the truth that His promise land truly awaits us! Thank you for your video! Loved it!

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