Stay on Beat

Stay on Beat | 3dlessons4life.comPhoto Credit


What’s that? my husband asked.

I looked in the direction of his finger and questioning eyes and smiled sadly.

“It’s a metronome,” I replied. “It helps keep you on beat as you play.” Ā The device had sat forgotten on the piano for years.

As a teenager, my hands had glided across the keys furiously on a daily basis, but then when I started teaching there were essays to be graded, high school basketball games to attend, and youth group car washes to organize. The keys grew dusty.

My fingers no longer moved with agility the last time I sat down and placed them on the ivory.

Mastery comes with dedicated passion and practice. I’d let both fall to the way side.

We polished the instrument to help return its luster and donated it to a neighbor’s son. Music makes his heart come alive.

My heart forgot how to play the melody.

What might have been if I had made up my mind to rehearse and refine my skills?

I will never know.

This morning, I remembered my piano as I read my Bible. The NET version chooses the phrase “practicing the truth” to communicate Paul’s challenge to the church at Ephesus.

I want my heart to stay on beat with God’s rhythm.

I must pour my all into daily preparation. I cannot let myself grow distracted or disinterested. Nothing is more important than this discipline.

Stay on Beat with Jesus |



Something to think about…





  1. Iā€™m not sure where my metronome is anymore. Possibly somewhere in the piano bench. What a great tool. I want to stay on beat with Godā€™s music too. May he strike a metronome in my heart.

  2. Madeleine L’Engle also played the piano and she likened many of the routines of life (writing every day, reading the Word) to finger exercises. If you do the “exercises,” if you pay attention to the regular beat of the metronome in your life, it may seem dull and rote, but you will be in a position to play the exciting and challenging music when the opportunity arises.

  3. Lyli, we recently acquired a used piano for my son to start taking lessons and I was amazed how much I’ve forgotten. It’s been a LONG time since I played. I love your analogy here and it truly brings home how important it is to seek Him daily, not just when we feel like it or when time allows. Lovely!

  4. Lyli, you brought such a good word! We cannot allow ourselves to grow distracted or disinterested. May we maintain our disciplines of faith. I love that all three words start with the letter “D”. And so does daily, the only way to stay disciplined. So good, Lyli!

  5. the ever ready metronome – not a fav. and I still don’t play after my mom tried so hard… but practicing the truth – that’s a great one. thanks for the reminder and for hosting!

  6. I want my heart to stay on beat with God’s rhythm too – I love your message and how it is definitely thought provoking. I too used to play the piano and then I stopped – but I completely agree with what you said about music – it does make the heart come alive! Blessings and thank you for hosting and always giving me something good to think on šŸ™‚

  7. Amen, daily disciplines are necessary for so many things in life. None more important than our relationship wth Him. Blessings on your weekend, Lyli!

  8. I have one of those old metronomes from when I was a child. Sadly, I don’t play much nowadays since my piano needs tuning. I like the analogy you draw from keeping the beat. Yes, may we all “stay on beat with Jesus.” Blessings!

  9. Sometimes I’m all out of whack – a little flat, or a little sharp. Sometimes I insist on playing the melody, and refusing to harmonize with God. Sometimes I don’t remember the music, or I play with lackluster enthusiasm.

    But how I want to stay on beat with Jesus!! Yes, Lord, make my life a pleasing song to Your ears!


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