What Happens When You Invite the Holy Spirit to Lead Your Prayers
Today, I am delighted to welcome my wise friend, Sarah, to encourage us as we pray: “Spirit, fall afresh on me.”
In recent years, I’ve learned how to pray Spirit-led prayers. It’s an exciting adventure I had not been on until I read the book When You Need to Move a Mountain by Linda Evans Shepherd.
In this powerful book on intercessory prayer, Linda lists many examples of how different people pray for loved ones. They are people from all kinds of denominations and backgrounds with a common purpose – a fervent desire to pray for others in a way that makes a difference.
I was in a season of being called to pray on someone else’s behalf when this book came into my hands. It seemed like a gift straight from heaven when I needed guidance but didn’t know how to find it.
The book outlines ways to pray for others, all based on the Bible. The way that intrigued me most is praying Spirit-led prayers. It’s letting the Holy Spirit guide you while you are praying, so you are praying God’s revealed will for another person.
We read about the Holy Spirit’s prayers for us in Romans 8:26-27 NLT:
And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.
How many times have you not known what to pray, but asked God to hear the cries of your heart? Surely in those moments, when you did not have the words to pray, the Holy Spirit was interceding for you. He was praying for you in harmony with the Father’s will, as He always does.
The most amazing privilege about praying Spirit-led prayers is joining the Holy Spirit in intercession for another person’s benefit. If you ask the Holy Spirit to lead your prayers for someone else, He is all too eager to help you. Here is what I do to prepare for Spirit-led prayers:
- First, I praise God for who he is. It’s important to humble yourself before God as you begin each prayer. Remember that He is in control, and you are submitting to Him in reverence.
- Next, I pray directly to the Holy Spirit, asking Him for guidance in my prayers. I pray that He will give me the words to say. I ask him to bring Scriptures to my mind so that I can pray them over the person. This is the fruit of daily Bible study and meditation because the Holy Spirit can then bring those verses back to the forefront of my mind as I am praying.
- Then, I begin praying for the person. I start with what I know, which is usually a felt need the person has expressed or one I have observed. Then, I silently wait for prayer prompts from the Holy Spirit. Saying the words, “Spirit, come fall afresh on me” is a good practice at this point of my prayer. Every time, He has been faithful to give me prayer prompts that I would not have come up with on my own. In this way, Spirit-led prayer is an exciting adventure.
- Finally, I end my prayers by praising God for revealing His truth and will to me. It’s always a joy to praise Him for guiding me in ways I would have never seen at the beginning, leading me to pray things in accordance with His will. It’s thrilling to reflect on the verses he brought to my mind and used as tools to pray more specifically for the person in need.
Does this process sound overwhelming to you? Exciting? A little frightening? This process can stir up many emotions when you are first embarking on Spirit-led prayer for others. However, it gets easier with practice, because you learn to trust God as you are taking one step forward at a time.
I encourage you to begin your own Spirit-led prayer journey. Which person is on your heart most often? Who needs your prayers of encouragement and support? The Holy Spirit wants to lead you on a unique and powerful journey of prayer for that person. He’s already praying for that person with groans that cannot be expressed. But it would be a great joy to him if you are willing to join him on that journey to intercede for someone who would benefit from your prayers.
Let’s pray with expectation: “Spirit, fall afresh on me.”
Meet Sarah
Sarah Geringer is a speaker, podcaster, artist and author of Transforming Your Thought Life: Christian Meditation in Focus and Transforming Your Thought Life for Teens: Renew Your Mind with God. She also has three self-published books.
She is on the devotional writing teams for Proverbs 31 Ministries, Hope-Full Living, Kingdom Edge Magazine and Woman 2 Woman Ministries. She has also written for A Wife Like Me and Devotable.
When she’s not reading over 100 books per year, Sarah enjoys painting, baking, gardening, and playing the flute. Her daily must-haves are hot tea, dark chocolate, and fresh flowers.
She lives in southeast Missouri with her husband and three children. Sarah writes and speaks about finding peace in God’s Word at sarahgeringer.com.
Follow Sarah: Facebook – Twitter – Instagram – Pinterest – YouTube
The Pray Big Sisterhood
Every morning, I wake up and lift my heart to God in prayer.
I praise Him for His glory and goodness.
I surrender my agenda and expectations to His greater kingdom purposes.
I yield my desires to do His will.
And, then I ask for Him to move a mountain.
I cry out to Him for that mountain to crumble.
I believe that God is bigger than any obstacle or stronghold.
Yet, my mountain remains — immovable and unyielding.
Do you have a mountain? I bet you do.
Like me, you may be discouraged by the darkness that looms large in your view.
You aren’t alone. If we sat down today in my kitchen and shared our stories, I bet we would see similarities.
Together, we would ask God to move two mountains.
With worshipful hearts, let’s keep crying out to the Lord for those mountains to crumble.
Let’s pray big!
Let’s ask God to help us have an expectant heart that is not overwhelmed by all the negativity in this world. Let’s pray big and believe God is bigger than the obstacles we are facing. Our Mighty God is going to do more than we can ask, think, or imagine as we pray with hope.
I also want to invite you to join a private “Pray Big” Facebook group for sisters to share our stories and surrender them to our mountain-moving God in prayer. Let’s lift up holy hands together and pray big in community.
To help you get started, I’m sharing a copy of My Pray Big Prayer Calendar with you. Join the Wildfire Faith Community and grab a copy in our Faith Fuel Library. Print out your copy and start each morning inviting God to strengthen your step and breathe fresh wind into your weary spirit.

If you are visiting from Sarah’s today,
welcome to my little space on the web!
Here you will find fuel for a wildfire faith to help you
- LOVE DEEP: Fervently extend God’s kindness and grace to pesky people.
- PRAY BIG: Go down fighting on your knees with fire in your bones.
- HOPE FULL: Stay tethered to a confident anticipation that keeps your heart ablaze.
- STAND STRONG: Rest courageously on God’s promises with red-hot resolve.
How great to see Sarah here!
Love her!
Thank you, Sarah for your encouraging words. 🙂
Pray for me how to pray to the holy spirit for a blessing and a miracle healing blessing to get my life straight out back on track
I don’t know how to pray. I loose words to say. And most cases my mind drifts away I get lost in prayer or my gets distracted in prayer. Pray for me a healing prayer. I’ve heart problem. God bless you.
I am struggling to pray I need the Holy spirit to fill me and guide me.