Looking for a dynamic speaker for your next event? Contact me to chat about how I can craft a message that is tailored to meet your needs.
The Speaker
My burning passion as a writer, speaker, and coach is to fuel a wildfire faith in the weary hearted. My messages help women to
LOVE DEEP: Fervently extend God’s kindness and grace to pesky people.
PRAY BIG: Go down fighting on your knees with fire in your bones.
HOPE FULL: Stay tethered to a confident anticipation that keeps your heart ablaze.
STAND STRONG: Rest courageously on God’s promises with red-hot resolve.
My heart comes alive when I am studying the Bible in community. I start every weekday by digging into the Word verse by verse with thousands of women through LoveGodGreatly.com as a writer and mentor. I have crafted devotional content for You Version for LoveGodGreatly.com and for my home church, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale. I also help women transform their time with God as a writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries’ First 5.
My messages are illuminated with wisdom forged from 30 years of experience mentoring students and fellow educators. I hold a BS in Speech Education, an MS in Educational Leadership, an MS in English Education, and an EdD in Curriculum and Instruction. My dedication to helping people grow and learn serve me well in my current role as a Biblical Life Coach.
I grew up in Miami as the only daughter of hard-working padres who fled Communist Cuba. I practiced the skill of sweet talking in two languages and finally secured a Gringo husband a month before my 42nd birthday. A fireball at heart, I’m energized by singing karaoke in the car with Bruce, digging into Bible study with the girls, and reading 12 books at a time.
The Topics
A Beautiful Limp: Revealing God’s Wonder through our Repurposed Weakness
Maybe you’re like me: I walk with a limp–not just physically, but in my heart. Has the weight of crippling circumstances broken your resolve? Sometimes we end up hobbling along, rather than running full-throttle toward our destiny. Our Healer longs to transforms our limps into a launching pad for His glory. Let’s unpack how God strengthens our stride as we
- Surrender our weaknesses as a display case for His sure-footed strength.
- Shake off the fears and doubts slowing down our progress.
- Step forward courageously with renewed resolve to reach the finish line.
We can learn how to rise above our brokenness and pain to walk forward victoriously.
Overflowing Instead of Overwhelmed
Maybe like me you have a load of unfolded laundry in the dryer, dust bunnies on my mantel, and difficult circumstances weighing heavy on your heart. How do we get past the crazy busy in our lives to find the abundant life we are promised in the Bible? Let’s trace the steps of Jesus to discover how to soar instead of sink as we
- Linger in His presence to listen for the leading of the Spirit in a noisy world
- Look for signs of beauty to set aside lament in the middle of a dry, barren season,
- Latch on to God’s love and lay aside selfishness to lavish pesky people with grace.
Start living out of the overflow instead of drowning in the dregs.
How to Live Fully Present and Faithful
The phrase “fake it till you make it” is nowhere in the New Testament. If we are just going through the motions, and our heart is not fully in it, then we will never fully fulfill the purpose God has for our lives. Let’s discuss how to turn duty into delight as we
• Find courage to love deep even when we don’t feel like it.
• Learn to live alert rather than lagging behind and losing interest.
• Stop lingering on past defeats and start looking forward with hope.
Let’s live fully present and faithful instead of “phoning it in” and faking it.
Lyli speaks and writes from her heart. You feel like you could be sitting across the kitchen table sharing a cup of coffee or tea and just chatting – about life, God, hurricanes…. She is a wonderful writer, encourager, teacher and friend.
Jennifer, Texas
Group Participant
God has blessed me greatly through the life of Lyli Dunbar. Whether in the words she writes or speaks, Lyli always brings a word to encourage and return us all to the truth of God’s Word.
Lyli shares with a refreshing authenticity which infuses hope to move forward with courage. Her message, voice, and face are always joy-filled and will bring joy to any who hear her story.
Joanne, Massachusetts
Group Participant
Lyli’s servant heart, passion to teach God’s Word and perseverance are clearly evident. She uses authentic story well to relate to people and point to Christ and the truth of His Word. Wisely she not only teaches the truth of Scripture but also shares how to practically apply the truth and brings it back to Jesus.
Laura Krokos, Colorado
Women’s Coordinator, Master Plan Ministries
Hostess, missionalwomen.com
Lyli is thorough in her study, thoughtful in her preparation, and insightful in her delivery. Sitting at her feet is refreshing because she has obviously spent time at the feet of her Savior. Lyli is Sprit-filled and led.
Alyssa De Los Santos, Texas
Conference Speaker and Bible Teacher
There are many positive comments from our attendees. Many stated that they heard the Lord speak and could relate to the challenges [Lyli] spoke about and the focus on the goodness of God… Lyli is a joyful speaker who connects with women of varying ages and backgrounds. Her content is relatable, and Christ centered.
Andrea Hoover, Oklahoma
Women’s Retreat Coordinator and General Secretary with the Salvation Army
Lyli’s love for Jesus and others shines throughout her speaking. She is honest and real about life’s difficult moments and brings her listeners to God’s Word for all answers to life’s questions. Lyli draws you to the heart of Jesus and is passionate about women growing in their walks with Him.
Valerie Appell, New York
Women’s Retreat Coordinator and Pastor’s Wife
The Experience
- I love sharing Scriptural encouragement with women. Check out this video shared on Facebook with the First 5 Community: 3 Reasons to Hold on to Hope as We Persevere in Prayer taken from Ezekiel.
- Pressing into prayer instead of giving in to panic helps us to persevere. Join me for a First 5 Audio teaching titled “4 Ways to Steward Your Season of Suffering Well.”
- We can rest securely trusting God knows the way. Listen to this audio teaching for First 5 on the Way of Wisdom.
- “How to Live a Life of Thanksgiving During Any Season” is a timely audio teaching recorded weeks in advance that went live on the First 5 App during Easter weekend in 2020 in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Visit my Media page to listen in to podcast interviews and weekend audio teachings for the First 5 app.
Professional Bio Sheet
Download a copy here.
Contact me here to ask any questions.
Fill out the Speaking Request Form to book me for your next event.
statement of faith
I love sharing What I Believe.