When You Are Refined by Surrender
Worry, fear, and anxiety welled up within me. Every facet of our lives felt like it was under attack. Have you ever been there? Overwhelmed with anxiety-provoking chaos, and feeling utterly helpless to control it? The temptation to surrender to fear is strong.
The thing was, I had talked to patient after patient for years in my private practice about the illusion of control. So much of our anxiety stems from trying to control what we can when so much of life feels uncontrollable. We can’t control our spouses, but we try to control our children. We can’t control our work environment, but we try to control our home. We can’t control our finances, but we try to control our weight.
It’s in the seeking to control, that we lose the gift of surrendering our burdens to the Lord.
What if we just surrender?
“So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you” (1 Peter 5:6-7 NLT).
Somehow during life’s most tumultuous times we can forget God’s simple commands and His promise of provision. During such times it’s so helpful to have friends who will speak the truth in love.
I had left home for a few days of peace and solitude, concerned with so many things hitting our family at once. My husband advocated for me to take a couple of quiet days at the beach to just walk and talk with the Lord.
I spent hours walking the beach those few days, seeking the Lord for answers, and mixing my salty tears with those the ocean dropped on the shore.
On one particular walk my cell phone rang from my pocket. Having told no one of my location, I knew this friend had no idea I had fled town for a time of respite and reflection. I answered and began to share just one thing we were battling, very much in need of God’s direction.
She responded, “Release it. Just release. You’ve done the work, now release it and let God handle the outcome.”
I wanted to argue. I wanted to share how unfair things seemed. I wanted to tell her she didn’t understand. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t because her words resonated with my heart. She offered words of wisdom that slowly dripped from my head to my heart, like traces of the tide on the sand upon which I walked.
We never got to the rest of life’s circumstances that were pummeling me from every side. It didn’t matter. The same words would apply: “Release it.”
The answer was to surrender.
I needed to release to God the possibility of cancer. Cancer is a little c, but Christ is a capital C, and God is more powerful than cancer.
I needed to release a potential career change. I didn’t know my future and what it held, but God knew my future and He declares that it includes a future and a hope.
I needed to release a child being bullied. God loves my child so much better than I, and He is a good father even when my own parental skills are lacking.
I needed to release another child’s uncertain future. We did our job as parents to raise him the best we could, in the knowledge of the Lord, and God would continue to guide him and direct him.
The things I needed to release felt as numerous as the grains of sand, yet I knew they all weighed me down, when Jesus wanted to lighten my load.
“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light’” (Matthew 11:28-30).
As tears flowed freely, I knew my friend was right. I needed to release it…release it all. But the question was how?
God confirmed her message in multiple ways during my time away, and the underlying message I kept receiving was, “I love you. I want you to trust me. Choose trust over worry, fear, and anxiety. It steals your peace and offers nothing good in return.”
I knew God was right. I had let worry, fear, and anxiety rule my heart. Fear and faith equally demand expression. We have a choice to choose fear or faith, but we can’t choose both. In surrendering my worries, fears, and anxieties, I consciously chose to trust God instead. And in doing so, I was washed in His peace. God had me, and he had everything that concerned me.
God has promised to be our defender, our fighter, our provider, our healer, our safe place of refuge, and so much more. When we will surrender our cares, worries, fears, and anxieties to Him, we are free to live in His peace and bring that peace with us into our homes, schools, work places, and to all those we encounter.
It can be as simple as praying, “Father, I’m tied up in knots. But you already have every answer I need. Please take these worries and concerns, and in their place grant me your wisdom and peace.” He wants to answer prayers like that!
What do you need God to be for you today? He is the great I AM. Will you release it, surrender, trust Him, and watch Him work on your behalf?
Meet Dr. Michelle:
Dr. Michelle Bengtson knows pain and despair firsthand and combines her professional expertise and personal experience with her faith to address real life issues. She offers sound practical tools, affirms worth, and encourages faith while offering hope as a key to unlock joy. She is the author of the award-winning Hope Prevails: Insights From a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression and Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises. She blogs regularly at: DrMichelleBengtson.com. She is also a podcast host of Your Hope-Filled Perspective with Dr. Michelle Bengtson.
Y’all, I am so excited to get this new book from Dr. Michelle Bengtson in my hands!!!! Anxiety, you don’t get to imprison me. I am getting equipped.
If you have laid in bed at night wrestling with worry, Dr Michelle is sharing her wisdom & experience with us to help us reclaim God’s promises & restore peace. She will help you surrender your anxiety so that you can live fully surrendered to God instead. YAY!
Grab your copy here.
The Refined Series
Fire refines. First God, breaks our pride into tiny pieces. Then, He melts away our impurities in a crucible of affliction. Every fleck of fleshy fluff rises to the surface and is removed until we reveal His image.
This year, I want to stop fearing the fire and pray:
Lord, refine me through the flame.
For 2018, I asked God to give me a word to guide my year, and He whispered the word “Refine.” For 10 months, Bruce and I have been walking through the fire and trying to not resist the refining work He is doing in us.
I am a very slow learner, and recently it occurred to me I should step aside and create more space to listen and learn during this season. I long to sit down for a heart-to-heart chat with a wise friend who will remind me the fire has a grander purpose. Thankfully, I am blessed to know several women who’ve walked through the fire and emerged beautifully refined, and I’ve invited them to share their story here with the Wildfire Faith Community once a month.
God has promised that the fire will not consume us, but transform us.
Sign up today as a member of the Wildfire Faith Community and grab a copy of the Refined Manifesto our Faith Fuel Library.
If you are visiting from Dr. Michelle’s today to read about surrender,
welcome to my little space on the web!
Here you will find fuel for a wildfire faith to help you
- LOVE DEEP: Fervently extend God’s kindness and grace to pesky people.
- PRAY BIG: Go down fighting on your knees with fire in your bones.
- HOPE FULL: Stay tethered to a confident anticipation that keeps your heart ablaze.
- STAND STRONG: Rest courageously on God’s promises with red-hot resolve.
and access the practical resources in the Fatih Fuel Library for members.
Do you need to surrender your anxiety? To help you get started, I’m sharing a copy of My Pray Big Prayer Calendar with you. Join the Wildfire Faith Community and grab a copy in our Faith Fuel Library. Print out your copy and start each morning inviting God to strengthen your step and breathe fresh wind into your weary spirit.
ARE YOU STRUGGLING TO surrender your fears
and LIVE out your purpose?
Friends: As a social media influencer, I have a sweet list of my favorite resources to fuel a wildfire faith in my very own shop on Amazon. (Note: I will get a little something back if you follow any of the links in this post and buy anything on this page. Thanks in advance if you do.).
Yes, surrendering to Him is freeing indeed!
Bless you both,
Thank you for stopping by Jennifer. I hope you were blessed.
Thank you for sharing your hard-earned wisdom with us, Dr. Michelle. So thankful for you!!!!
“Father, I’m tied up in knots!”
Yes to this prayer–not that he needs to be told, but how freeing it is to give up the pretending and to accept his help and trust his sovereignty.
It’s the letting go that is hard, but God never leaves us hanging. He holds us near. (Why do I always question this, when I know it is true!!!)
You’re so right Michele. But I’m grateful He is with us even in the messy knots of life.
I like to think I can hold my fear in one hand and my faith in the other, choosing the one I want to use at the moment. But God wants nothing in my hands. He wants me to let go and look only to Him in faith, even when fear feels like it surrounds me.
Wow, Rebecca! Your words paint a powerful picture of surrender for us all. Thanks for sharing that! I picture those empty hands uplifted in worship.
I think you’re on to something there. God wants us totally surrendered to him, with open hearts, minds, and hands, submitted to his leading. When we hold on to our fears, our hands are not free to accept what he has for us. Blessings! #PeacePrevails
I just got Michelle’s book, too, and am excited to start it soon.
That’s so true that so much anxiety and tension comes from trying to maintain control, when that’s the very thing we need to release to Him. Thank you for this!
I am thankful I know God is in control. It makes surrender much easier.
I’m so glad you got the book. I pray that it will bless you mightily, and would so appreciate if you’d consider leaving an honest review. Surrender may not be second-nature, but the results are so worth it.
I can relate to being tied up in knots. Fear if left unchecked >>> Attempt to control. I’ve been there, tried that, and it doesn’t work. I’ve also tried to surrender and “release it” in my own power. That doesn’t work either. When I ASK the Lord to enable me to lay my troubles at His feet (Seek, Ask, Find), He answers with a divine ability to lay my burdens down. Only through Him. Great post and looks like a terrific book!
Bev xx
Yes!!!! You are so spot on Bev. Surrender is a divine surgery of our hearts. HUGS
You’re exactly right. Trying to maintain control of everything and everyone is exhausting and it’s a burden we weren’t meant to carry. I’m grateful that He offers us peace and rest in Him.
So well said and true! Sometimes we forget how to exercise that surrendering muscle or even forget we aren’t really using it!
I love that you call it a muscle we must exercise. Wow!
You’re right Pam. Trust is an exercise that helps us grow strong and deep in Him. It’s not always easy, but it is always worth it.
This is such good encouragement for me today. The examples Michelle gives makes it real: health, finances, child being bullied, another child’s future. That last one really resonates with me today. Last month our oldest child’s post-graduation plan changed, and now as he walks into Plan B, he faces many unknowns. It has been hard for me as a mom to surrender, but I’m releasing control today!
Praying for you both, Mama. Surrendering as a parent is a whole new side of surrender I am now experiencing, and I so “get it.”
Oh Betsy, I think nothing tempts us to worry and fear more than parenting. We want what is best for our children, and yet most of us try to control when in reality, God is in control and what He desires of us is that we trust Him, and surrender to Him and His plan.
The word surrender keeps popping up. Maybe I need to listen 😉 laurensparks.net
Don’t ya love it when God repeats Himself!!!!
I love it when God confirms things to our spirit, Lauren!
So great to be able to get away for a couple of days but when we can’t, there is the prayer closet and just that deep place of rest in our hearts.
You’re right Rebecca. He’s waiting for us anywhere.
I’ve begun an almost daily practice of writing down each thing I need to surrender to God. Somehow in putting it on paper it helps to let it go.
Elizabeth, what a healthy practice. I’m sure that could be eye-opening. Thanks for sharing!
Lyli – It was so lovely visiting here today. I haven’t stopped by in a bit, but I always enjoy it when I do. Maree
Michelle – Your post resonated with me on so many levels. My word for the year is letting go. Last week I realized I was holding on to so many things. I love what your friend said, “Release it. Just release. You’ve done the work, now release it and let God handle the outcome.”
We do have to do the work but then release. I love it.
Plus your post showed God working in your life. God’s timing is impeccable.
Blessings, Maree
Maree, thank you for your encouragement. I’m still learning but I’m grateful God is patient. So many things to release, and re-release when I try to take them back.