Picture the Future

Picture the FuturePhoto Credit


We met for dinner.

As we sat across from each other in a public place at a table full of unhealthy fare, I struggled to hold it together.

I was growing sick to my stomach because I wanted to stand on the table and shout: “This world’s goods don’t satisfy.  You need the Bread of Life.”

To stop the gnawing fear in my belly, I took a deep breath and exhaled one word in the quiet of my heart.


Lord, you’ve promised to prepare the table before me.

Suddenly, the eye of my heart began to imagine the abundant buffet the Father will provide.

I looked forward and pictured a beautiful table.  I envisioned redemption in full color.  I visualized future abundance and new life.

As I sat quietly at the table and prayed, I rested in the reality that fruit will blossom tomorrow from the seeds I am planting in faith today.

Lord, help me to look forward with confident expectation.


Let’s Talk: Do you picture a future where your mountain-moving prayers are answered?  Have you captured a vision of how God’s redemption will one day birth something new?


This year, my desire is to lift up holy hands and “Pray Big.” Want to join me? I’ve created a private “Pray Big” Facebook group for like-minded sisters to share their stories and surrender each one to our mountain-moving God in prayer. Let’s cry out to God together.

Pray Big for 31 Days Button











I am sharing “Picture the Future” and joining like-minded sisters at Faith-Filled Friday,Tell His Story, Coffee for Your Heart, and Three-Word Wednesday,


  1. My prayers are always answered. I believe that every prayer is. Sometimes, I’m not ready to accept the answers. Other times, I not able to hear any answer. But God answers and then He carries me along and prepares me to accept what He has planned. So often, He asks me to trust that a seed I scatter today will reap a rich bounty on some day I can’t see yet.

  2. I so look forward to the banquet He has prepared. He does answer prayer! The answers are not always the ones we want, but His love is always enough when we ;et Him be our all-sufficiency.

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