Mental Management

Photo Credit: Mike Foster, via Pixabay
Mental Management.
The two words captured my attention.
I was sitting on my couch in front of the TV. The game was on, but I hadn’t been paying much attention because I tend to do 3 things at once. On this particular night, my focus was more on Facebook than the score.
The commentator was talking about the “new sensation,” a rookie player who held great promise for the future of our team. He had size, natural talent, and drive.
However, his Achilles’ heel was that he was a hot head. He got into foul trouble frequently because he let the opponent antagonize him off the game plan. He’d been sidelined on the bench early on in far too many games. As a result, the assistant coach had been assigned to help him develop his “mental management.”
“I could use a mental management coach,” I thought.
My Achilles’ heel is often my thought life. I possess all the skills and tools required to be a success, but the game of life is not for the fainthearted.
If I want to finish well, I need to discipline my mind.
Something to think about…
I love that passage in the Message. Wow!!!
yep…I can relate…spent the day intermittently giving up thoughts and asking God to help me to focus on what is true etc….thankful we have the Spirit of God to aid us 🙂
Lyli – Earlier this morning, I was thinking how we all know we are in a battle of sorts. In that moment of crisis, it is easier to default to the wrong weapons – – anger, avoidance, negative thoughts, discouragement. The battle is a given. The question becomes – what will be our weapons? May we wield His Word for His promises have been given to us for this very reason. Thank you for helping me to think a bit more on this today!
Amen to that, Lyli! How the world acts is no excuse for behavior that dis-honors God. We are called to be different, aliens, set-apart. As Alistair Beg says, “The church is always at it’s best when the people of God are markedly different.” Thanks for another thought-provoking post! Have a great week!
Mental management. That captures me too. I definitely can see its use in sports. But yes–in anything! My thought life is sometimes all over the place. Thanks for bringing this to us, Lyli.
Praise God that He can transform our mind! Mental discipline is only possible by yielding to His Holy Spirit. Thanks for the great post and for hosting & God bless!