
1 Simple Way to Make a Significant Difference in Your Marriage

  At 41, I honestly did not think I would ever get married. Nearly a decade had passed since my last date. I chose to not worry about it though. If God wanted me to be a wife, then certainly he would send me a husband. In early 2008, I partnered with two other singles…

An Ode to My Husband Upon 7 Years of Marriage

  Happy is the wife whose heart is entrusted to a giving man. His Understanding, his patience, his kindness envelop her Securely in a knot of love. His resourceful tinkering patches up the Broken pieces and restores their beautiful usefulness. A killer smile radiates in every corner of her life, and Not a day lacks…

When Money is the Monkey in the Middle of Your Marriage

Photo Credit 1 & 2   We were standing in the aisle next to the ice cream freezer at Target when I realized how marrying your opposite can create matrimonial chaos. I had a hankering for cookies and cream ice cream, but my man was balking at the price. He wanted to know why the…

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