4 Right Responses to Wrong in a World of Injustice
Let’s Chat: What one step will you take this week to respond rightly to wrong in a world of injustice?
When my husband and I got engaged, his friend Hal thought it was necessary to educate me on the ways of marriage. Hal was schooled in matrimony by his wife from Venezuela, and now that he was no longer wild and free, he considered himself a marital expert of sorts. We were standing in front…
As a child, I had a strong sense of justice. I lived in a home where the scales tipped heavily down in one direction, and I thought it was my job to defend the defenseless. If I could have had any superpower, it would have been the strength to make a nasty person behave nicely….
His explosive tone of voice put me on edge. I asked him to adopt a kinder response, and he retorted with a sea of expletives. No matter how hard I try to avoid conflict with this person, a wide chasm of misunderstanding seems to separate us. I got up from the comfortable chair and announced…
I almost poisoned six women at a pot luck. I didn’t do it intentionally. I wasn’t even supposed to bake. Normally, I just buy a desert, but the gal who’d promised to bring the sweet treat ended up breaking a tooth. At the last moment, she had to back out, and I was short 1…