Love Covers All

Love Covers All

Right now, I am sitting cozy on the couch under my new blue blanket.  I love a good blanket.  Don’t you?  My husband’s thermostat is about ten degrees hotter than the rest of the world, so I have a wicker basket in the living room with a collection of throws and quilts.  When friends come over, all the women in the group end up wrapped up in something warm to prevent frost bite from setting in during our fellowship time.  “Pass a blanket” is a phrase heard often at my house.

So, as I nest here all bundled up and tucked in under my protective cover, I realized I had to write this post.   I turned to Bible Gateway and started reading through Proverbs in The Message — because a little wisdom is thought provoking, and Eugene Peterson’s translation is often my bloggy muse.  When I arrived at chapter 10, I hit pay dirt right at verse 12:

Hatred starts fights,
but love pulls a quilt over the bickering.

Really, God?  I need to take my comfy blanket and lay it over the nasty people who pick fights for no reason?  I’d rather stay on the couch and hoard the goodness.  You mean I have to extend cordiality to the disagreeable?

Love covers all, my daughter.

Something to think about…


  1. Lyli – You sure did hit paydirt on this one! Great post! Blankets are a necessity while sitting in my home for most of us 🙂 The application is so powerful. We can be a quilt of love, His love. May we remember how He has covered us time and time again. May we be willing to extend a quilt of love to others. And this morning, I just love your thoughts. Thank you for sharing them.
    Have a great Thurs.!

  2. “Pass a blanket.” That sounds so cozy and welcoming. I take my snuggie with me on trips these days so I can stay warm in the truck with my hubby. 🙂 It’s an act of love for him and for me.

  3. I’m the one who freezes everyone out at our house – and we have a basket of blankets, too. You know what? Boys love blankets!!!! – and my two younget bickering is driving me nuts!!!! I am going to be quoting you to them today: “Love pulls a blanket over bickering” – LOVE IT!

    1. Maryleigh, I shared your comment with my husband so that he would know he has a sisterly counterpart. He is also a big lover of fans — we have one in every room.

      Hope this verse is welcomed into the hearts of your boys. Hugs

  4. What a simple yet powerful post. I am one to always have a blanket on hand but have never applied my covering to scripture quite like that. Very thought provoking! Thanks, Lyli and blessings to you. I think I am linking up with you for the first time or at least the first time in a long time. Love, Rachael

  5. Lyli, Thanks for the rich visual. After a week of having and tending to those with influenza I am well practiced in the art of pulling a quilt up and over and tucking it in. I guess it’s a skill I need to keep up.

  6. How did I miss this? Well I’m glad I did not completely miss it. I take a blanket with me just about every where I go. I’m always cold. 🙂 Love covers all. Good wisdom here, Lyli. It is something to think about. We are to extend that hand of love to everyone but it isn’t always easy is it?
    I’ve been struggling to keep up lately and have missed you. Please know I’m SO grateful for our friendship in this lovely blogging world.

    1. Did I forget to link up? I linked it up again this week just in case. Life has been a bit crazy this week (as you can tell since I am replying to this comment two weeks later!).

      I am hoping to be back in the saddle now… I will be popping by more often, I promise! 🙂

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