Lessons Learned in 3D — Marching on…
Well, we are marching on through March. Aren’t we? This year is going by so quickly! I am trying to be more intentional about capturing what God is teaching me so that it doesn’t slip by. Here is a list of the top 10 things I learned this week (in no particular order):
1. Laura taught me about the beauty of the Taize prayer service.
3. Michelle reminded me that one hour can make a huge difference in my week. I need to build in a small space to meet with Him.
4. Family resemblance should be uncanny. I am His. Do I look like Him? (Thanks, Jessica for this beautiful post. I loved visiting your space.)
5. I learned what a Rube Goldberg Contraption is (I will work this into a sentence someday soon so that I can sound smart…). Thank you for pointing me to the definition, Jennifer — your post on Neverland resonated with me. God does write much more interesting stories than we ever can imagine.
6. “You cannot heal in silence. An untold story never heals.” — Mary De Muth shares her story. I pray it brings many healing. Don’t be scared to tell your story.
7. Speaking of great stories, I was in tears after listening to Eileen’s story. (I love a good redemption story!) I especially loved it when she shared: God “wants to take you by the hand, and He wants to lead you some place beautiful.”
8. We can find “sweet revenge” in turning our “brokenness around and using it as a weapon against hell itself” — Love this truth found in this very inspiring post by Nancy.
9. My new favorite song for the week is “Hello My Name Is” by Matthew West. So encouraging to know that I am a child of the One True King, and I am not defined by regret or defeat!
10. For those of you who love hymns set to modern music, my friend Lorene downloaded this awesome CD that I really enjoyed.
Q4U: What did you learn this week?
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I LOVE how you said grace is like rocket fuel. Oh so true!
Wish I could take credit for that phrase, Stacy, but it’s actually the title of a great article on marriage that Matthew Towles wrote for Moody’s Start Marriage Right web site. If you click on the link, you will be blessed by what he shared.