Lessons Learned in 3D — Giddy Up


Tonight, we went to the theater.  My best friend’s kiddos were in drama camp production that re-told the story of Jonah as a Western.  I enjoyed the adorable show, but now I desperately want a pink cowboy hat and possibly some spurs and a lasso.

The story of Jonah always jars me — God told him to go one way, and the stubborn prophet decided to go in the complete opposite direction.  Am I a little like Jonah?  How quick am I to respond to God’s directives?

On Fridays, I like to create a list of what God is teaching me.  I want to be purposeful in noting what God is telling me.   I pray that I will be obedient, rather than stubborn and willful.

Here in no particular order are 10 things I learned this week:

1.  I get a great deal more out of Bible study if I meditate on a verse one phrase at a time throughout the week.  I am so thankful for Heather at Transformed who taught me a great technique called “verse mapping.”  

2.  I need to be more purposeful about praying for world missions.  Jen at Being Confident of This showed me a great framework for organizing my prayers called the T.H.U.M.B. Method. 

3. Favorite Quote from my She Reads Truth Quiet Time this week (written by Stacy at A Servant’s Life):

“He redeems, restores and renews.

His love for us is pure grace – scandalous grace.”

4.  I need to “go there” and discuss tough topics.  I am so thankful that Jamie wrote this important post on abusive relationships for Start Marriage Right.

5.  “God’s purposes are not for me to understand His plans: His plan is for me to understand Who He is.” — I love this sweet post about answered prayer over at Ann’s blog.

6.  “When I finally took responsibility for the needs I’d spent so many years trying to pawn off on my husband, I was astonished–and delighted–to discover all the ways he blesses me and contributes to our marriage.” — I love the marital wisdom shared by Cheri Gregory in her Guest Post at Come Have a Peace.  

7.  Emptying my hands is a risk worth taking.  Jennifer reminded me this week by sharing her mom’s beautiful story (Get your tissue ready!)

8.  Becky at Time Out – Devotions for Moms taught me a valuable technique in her post “When Hubby Leaves His Socks on the Floor”: 

“I discovered a remedy

for all my husband’s annoying habits.

I stop thinking about them.

9.  Favorite Facebook Status that filled my  heart with peace goes to Shelly from Redemption’s Beauty:

“Because I’m a nerd, I looked up the word pinions

and buckler in this portion of scripture.

Did you know that pinions

are the terminal section of a birds wings

and a buckler is a small shield

worn on the left arm?

Think of that imagery today as God protects you

with his very life because he loves you that much.

He will cover you with his pinions,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.

(Psalm 91:4, ESV)”

10.  Today is National S’mores Day.  — This is a holiday I can firmly get behind.  (I’d like to thank Mary at Giving Up on Perfect for educating me on this fact — plus, I love her recipe for S’mores Rice Krispy Treats.  Yum!)

Q4U: What did you learn this week?

Thanks for stopping by! I would love to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

I am joining Jesse and friends this weekend for


Photo Credit:  Jenny Kennedy-Olsen


    1. Paula, thanks for stopping by. I love that quote, too. I don’t know if you are familiar with the She Reads Truth blog, but they do great devotionals linked to book studies. Right now, they are doing James.

      As you can probably tell, I haven’t done one of the “lessons learned” post in a couple of months, but I have it as a goal to get back into this habit in November. So, your comment on this post is like a little nudge… “Get to it, girl!.”


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