How to Combat Marital Malaise
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“Why am I so exhausted tonight?” my husband asked as he collapsed on the hotel bed. We’d taken a few days off to celebrate his birthday and recover from a very busy month at work.
I yawned in response, “We cheated on the diet twice today. Remember?” For 4 months, we’d towed the line and eliminated sugar and bad carbohydrates. Our new-found dedication to healthy eating began on a rainy day in February when I drove my husband to the ER. A sore throat had morphed into a cold that quickly escalated into pneumonia. He’d felt a little off for days, but his immune system had gone on vacation. The doctor explained that his blood test had revealed off the chart high blood sugar. His whole body was polluted by an invisible infection.
I’ve learned not to ignore a tickle in my throat. It’s my body sounding an alarm. When I start to feel a little off, I no longer take it lightly. I take action.
I am starting to recognize the warning signs in my marriage as well. Some days, it seems like a marital malaise has invaded my home. I can’t pinpoint the poison, but the health and vitality of our relationship is in danger.
When I slow down to examine and address the root cause, it usually stems from one of these pesky tormentors….
I’m sharing “How to Combat Marital Malaise” at Start Marriage Right.
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