Hope Full

How to Focus and Throw Off All Your Lurking Fears Right Now

I want to experience the resurrection power of Jesus at work in my life. Really, I do. But most days I am blinded by fear. I can’t see Jesus at work in my circumstances because I am too busy trying to fix everything myself. I am exhausted, y’all. “Fix it” is not faith. “Fix it”…

3 Steps to Start Living Out of the Overflow | lylidunbar.com

3 Steps to Start Living Out of the Overflow

In 2012, I went into renal failure after having my gall bladder removed. I ended up spending quality time with a nephrologist who kindly advised me that I needed to be more proactive about staying hydrated. Water is life to the body. Without it, the organs begin to shut down. You can’t run on empty…

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