Hold Fast

Hold Fast in Hard Times — His Hand in Mine (Day 31)

Photo Credit: Daniela Corno, via Free Images Tonight I got to chat with a dear friend.  She’s coming out of a valley season and stepping out in faith to claim her mountain.  Her journey has lead her through peaks and valleys.  She faced crossroads where the path seemed uncertain, and sometimes the mud slung up…

Domino Effect

Hold Fast in Hard Times — Domino Effect (Day 30)

Succumb (Verb): to fail to resist (pressure, temptation, or some other negative force) In January, Linda shared her “UNword” for 2014 and invited her readers to consider: Who don’t you want to be as we forge ahead into this year?  What don’t you want to be wasting your time and energy on anymore?  What bugaboo,…

Hold Fast in Hard Times — Focus on Finishing (Day 29)

Photo Credit: Eran Becker, via Free Images   I saw a plaque today that made me laugh so hard.  It reminded me of my days in the trenches as a high school English teacher.  It read: Today I will be happier than a teacher on a snow day. Teaching adolescents is a beautiful and brutal…

Hold Fast in Hard Times — Stick Together (Day 28)

This week I was reminded that Superheroes always seem to have a sidekick.  I can’t imagine Batman heading to the Batcave without Robin at his side. We aren’t meant to do life alone. Jonathan had an armor bearer.  David waged war with his group of mighty men. If the Lone Ranger had Tonto, and my…

Hold Fast in Hard Times — Pinky Promise (Day 27)

The girls came over tonight.  We celebrated big with chips and dip, Emily’s delicious pumpkin squash soup, and a salad bar extravaganza.  We sat out back and let the cool breeze wash over us.   One by one, we shared our stories. The greatest gift you can give a friend is to listen without judgment. At…

Hold Fast in Hard Times — Only One (Day 26)

He sees you. You’re His favorite. You are never alone. Here’s an anthem to encourage your spirit on this Sabbath.     Remember He holds you up. I’m sharing “Only One” joining The Nester and friends for #write31days and joining like-minded sisters at Still Saturday and Give Me Grace. To see all of the posts in this series,…

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