Heaven Fall Down

Heaven Fall Down | 3dlessons4life.comPhoto Credit


Rain always surprises me. I often drive to work in the morning under bright blue skies with not a hint of what is to come.

Right now, I am looking out my window, and the trees are perceptibly moving in the wind in a peculiar way that foretells a coming downpour. I’ve learned to pack my umbrella just in case.

In just a few minutes, I will pick up my phone and text my husband to let him know that cats and dogs and kitchen sinks are falling down from the sky. Heaven will open up its doors and transform the landscape.

Heaven fall down.

When a farmer plants a seed into the ground, he believes that the rain will come. The fruit of his labor will take many days to spring up, but he continues to break up the fallow ground and prepare for the harvest ahead.

Prayer is a lot like that. Every cry lifted up to heaven is like a seed planted in the ground. I bury my burdens on my knees, and then I look up to God in expectation.

Heaven fall down.

The rain of God’s mercy will wash over me soon. In the meantime, I am patiently waiting. I am hopeful. I am preparing.

The wind of God’s Spirit will perceptibly begin to move and provide hints of the refreshing shower yet to come.

His rain will transform the landscape of my life.

Beautiful fruit is on its way.

Perhaps the ground before you looks barren and lifeless right now.

Keep looking up. Your downpour is coming.

He will come like rain and refresh your life.

Let Heaven Fall Down | 3dlessons4life.com



Let’s Talk: How are you preparing for the downpour?


My desire is to lift up holy hands and “Pray Big.” Want to join me? I’ve created a private “Pray Big” Facebook group for like-minded sisters to share their stories and surrender each one to our mountain-moving God in prayer. Let’s cry out to God together.

Pray Big










I am sharing “Heaven Fall Down” and joining like-minded sisters at Give Me GraceLet us GrowSpiritual Sundays, Faith-Filled Friday, Blessing CountersLive Free ThursdayGrace Moments, Tell His Story, Coffee for Your Heart, Three-Word Wednesday, Intentional TuesdayPurposeful Faith’s RaRaLinkup, Rich-Faith Rising, Testimony Tuesday, Moments of Hope, and Sharing His Beauty.



  1. I love this. First because I love rain and second because this also I believe. God pours down His blessings to us even when we feel unworthy. It’s always a beautiful surprise. I just prepare for it by having a grateful heart.

  2. What a great way to look at all this rain we’ve been getting (seriously almost every day straight all month…! Oy.) I’m preparing by trying to walk in joy- whether the sun is shining on not and learning that not all storms are bad– especially when viewed as the outpouring of His blessing! I love this Lyli- thanks for your perspective!

  3. Lyli, hat a beautiful picture your words paint of the rain He sends down to us … waters the earth, refreshes our spirits with His own. Thank you, friend, for sharing. : )

  4. “Every cry lifted up to heaven is like a seed planted in the ground. I bury my burdens on my knees, and then I look up to God in expectation” Oh thank you for sharing this beautiful thought today! Prayer is such an integral part of my life, and I am always wanting to learn more about it. I so much want to “bury my burdens on my knees,” and release them to my Father’s keeping! –Blessings to you as you watch for more of Heaven Coming Down!

  5. Beautiful post, Lyli. One morning earlier this week, I saw reading & listening to the rain. I found it’s sound to be so comforting. It is amazing how refreshing rain can be – in sound & smell. So grateful the Lord showers His blessings upon us as we are faithful to persistently come before Him. Blessings!

  6. i love this ! the idea that my prayers are in preparation for God’s merciful rain of blessing and power for those I love (including prayers for myself!) – thanks, lyli

  7. Lyli,
    I love this message of hope!
    “Perhaps the ground before you looks barren and lifeless right now.

    Keep looking up. Your downpour is coming.

    He will come like rain and refresh your life.”

    Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Thank you so much for sharing this alongside me at Moments of Hope! Your words of hope are the kind I have prayed for!

    Blessings and smiles,

  8. This is such a beautiful and comforting post because we all need reminded of Jesus raining mercy and grace into our lives. Waiting, praying and expecting that He will. Thanks so much for this. I’d love for you to share your message on #FreshMarketFriday for others to also be encouraged by your words:) Blessings, Crystal~

  9. I was just listening to a song the other day about His grace falling like rain. Oh yes, I need to be washed and refreshed in His rain. Thank you for sharing with the Let Us Grow community.

  10. Lyli, I appreciate this reminder to prepare and wait expectantly. My husband transitioned to church planting (after pastoring) about 6 months ago, and since then we have been in this season of waiting. We’re planting seeds and waiting for the rain! 🙂
    Jen @ Being Confident of This

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