Head Home

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Dorothy had it right: There’s no place like home.
In 2012, I spent 10 days in the hospital in May and then seven days in June. When I exited that sterile environment, tears welled up from deep in my gut as I drove toward my house. I missed my bed with the fluffy pillow that fits my head perfectly. I couldn’t wait to curl up on the couch next to my man and “just be.”
Home is a sanctuary from the raging storm.
I’ve been nesting and nurturing my man back to health at my home-base for a few weeks now, but this weekend, adventure beckoned me to break away for some fun, and I heeded its alluring call.
On paper, my plans sounded fantastic. I imagined sumptuous food, laughter, and a refreshing evening.
However, I stayed up too late the night before in an effort to check everything off my to-do list. So, when the alarm went off at a God-forsaken hour of the morning, I looked into the mirror and discovered ginormous black circles under my tired eyes. I wanted to crawl back under the covers, but my “fun agenda” required an early start. Two Advils later, I walked out the door of my cozy haven and into the brisk morning air.
I didn’t need directions to the venue because the location was a familiar one. Thinking I “had it covered,” I tucked the tickets to the event in my overstuffed bag and rushed off to work.
Everything was going as planned. I left work at 4 PM, picked up my partner in crime, and stopped at our favorite restaurant where we shared a lovely meal and engaging conversation.
The girlish chatter continued as we drove to the nearby venue. A helpful parking attendant directed us to the appropriate spot, and I rejoiced that we managed to get a space right by the door. The valet directed us to follow the red carpet to the entrance, and I started walking.
But then I stopped mid-step. Something felt wrong. All day long, I ‘d traveled in this direction, but suddenly, a radar was sounding off in my mind.
I back tracked to the valet. “What event are you hosting here tonight?”
I almost cried when he said it was an event for Cigar aficionados.
That’s when my best friend looked down and noted that our wrist band tickets said “Beth Moore Miami” on them. We were about an hour north of the event, and it was rush hour.
“We can do this!” my friend exclaimed. Her enthusiasm re-energized my deflated spirit, and we jumped on I-95 heading south. I called my husband to let him know I’d be home later than originally expected, and we continued our girl gab fest in the bumper to bumper traffic.
I am not exactly sure how I lost my way, really. I just know that about 30 minutes later, I decided to “stay left,” and I ended up heading west on the road to nowhere.
A U-turn would solve my problem, for sure. Right? I got off the foreign, unknown highway and jumped on the only on-ramp that appeared.
The road curved madly to the left, and to my chagrin, I realized I’d jumped on the express lane traveling north. Cones blocked off the special lanes. I couldn’t exit for miles as Beth Moore disappeared in my rear-view mirror.
How about we just go get some ice cream? I suggested. Ice cream makes everything better.
When I got home two hours later, I collapsed on the couch like a battle-scarred soldier who’d fought an epic battle.
Home is a haven that heals and restores.
This morning, I read Peterson’s translation of Psalm 90: “God, it seems you’ve been our home forever; long before the mountains were born, Long before you brought earth itself to birth, from ‘once upon a time’ to ‘kingdom come’—you are God.”
Sabbath is a returning home. God is my dwelling place — a refuge from the war that threatens to swallow me whole. Rather than rushing on in the wrong direction, I must choose rest and allow Him to renew me.
Sabbath is a surrender. I don’t know which way to go without Him. To avoid the road to nowhere, I must head home and allow Him to help me relocate my True North.
Have you lost your way? Get off the road for a bit.
Head home. A cozy spot close to His heart has your name on it.
Let’s Talk: How do you find your way home when you get lost on the road to nowhere?
Join me in 2016 and #ChooseRest.
I am sharing “Head Home” and joining like-minded sisters at Give Me Grace, Weekend Whispers, Spiritual Sundays, Faith-Filled Friday, Blessing Counters, Live Free Thursday, Grace Moments, Tell His Story, Coffee for Your Heart, Three-Word Wednesday, Purposeful Faith’s RaRaLinkup, Rich-Faith Rising, Testimony Tuesday, and Sharing His Beauty.
I am so sorry you missed it. Thanks for being able to find God in it and to remind us that our true home is in God no matter where we are on the road. I pray Bruce continues to recover completely and God encourages you both. Glad you had your friend with you and ice cream 🙂
Aw! Thanks, Dolly. We just missed the Friday night. We caught up when we made it there on Saturday AM. Love me that Beth Moore! It was a great weekend after all. 🙂
What a crazy day!! All the planning and anticipating! I’m sure, after that long drive, home way definitely a haven of respite and comfort…I love your description – “When I got home two hours later, I collapsed on the couch like a battle-scarred soldier whose fought an epic battle.” I’ve definitely felt that way, myself. at times. It can be easy to get lost on the road to nowhere and lose our way home. I think for me, I’ve always found comfort in God’s promises in the Bible, as well as supportive and encouraging words of close friends in the Lord. I also try remind myself that “this is only for a time” and that tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities, if I just trust the Lord to lead the way! Thanks for sharing.
Wow, what a time you must have had! I’m so glad you got to be at the right place part of the time. It gave you a perfect object lesson! There really is no place like home when God is our dwelling place. Thanks for an encouraging post!
So sorry you missed the event. It can be so frustrating when things don’t go as we expect them too. I love the lesson you shared here though. Home really is a haven for us all. Great post. Blessed to be your neighbor at Coffee for your Heart this morning.
Lyli, once again I am refreshed by your wise and encouraging words! I have been running around lately…. doing, doing, doing. In the midst of the chaos I feel God drawing me closer to Him. I love being at home. It’s a place where I can rest, be myself and enjoy the peace. I feel the same way when I spend time with God. Thanks for reminding me to enjoy His presence! ?
Aww Lyli, what a trip!! It is sooo easy to lose our way when we think we’ve got it all covered, worked out and figured out! (raising a guilty hand right here..) But to really find our way back home sometimes we need to stop/rest and generally get off that road for a while and let God catch up to us. He is always pursuing us after all ♥ Thanks for a great story and so glad you got to see Beth on Sat. AM! I just finished listening to a devotion she did about rooftops and closets… what an inspiration she is!
I love this! Following God sometimes have detours and adventures, but the journey is always worth it when we’re seeking him. (And I love Beth Moore too!) Thanks for linking up at #ThreeWordWednesday.
Lyli! This was my first time meeting your writing and I and thankful my path today included you. I am on a new journey in a chronic illness. I am blessed to have a mature faith and through my experience I see evidence of God’s grace in many ways. Thank you for sharing!
So sorry you missed Beth but God met you, Lyli. He gave you a place to call Home in Him. I am so grateful I have that too. Hey!!! Our homes are one and the same, Lyli!! I love you.
Hair raising, but what a great conclusion! Blessings, Lyli – and may you experience His grace and love this weekend!
What a frustrating experience, but it’s great that God spoke to you through it. I love that we can go to him and find rest and healing when we are lost or weary.
I am so sorry you missed part of the event, Lyli. Good thing, every second of one of Beth’s conferences brings a good word! I know your post was about resting in Him but something else stood out – – we all need a friend who breathes life and hope into discouraging circumstances. May we also be that friend to others. As always, a post to think more on today!
You are that type of friend, Joanne. Thank you for being such an encourager. xo
I’m sorry you missed your event! I’ve been lost trying to get home from the city. The roadways out were blocked off and I was stuck following a detour! The anxiety and nervousness overwhelmed as I tried to make sure I was traveling in the correct lane to get to the Interstate. Thankfully our GPS got us going in the right direction. Definitely no place like home!
I’m so sorry you lost your way to the event. I love how God always allows us to find Him though in those times. Blessings!
What a great outlook. God’s presence and sometimes a little ice cream make even crazy off track moments seem okay. Glad you were able to catch up on things the next day. Thanks so much for linking up at Counting My Blessings!
This made me smile because I could so easily have made those same directional deviations from my route. ( I have and will probably continue to do so in the future.) I am glad you got some time with your friend, but I love the analogy that He is our forever home. 🙂
Thanks for linking up at #GraceMoments!
Bless you!