Good Service


My man and I plopped down at a table in the crowded restaurant.Β  We were in a new town, and the menu was foreign to us — so many choices.Β  I was so thankful for our waitress.Β Β  She approached the table and introduced herself with a smile.Β  She was open, friendly, and knowledgeable.Β  She guided us to the right choices, and she remained close by throughout the meal — always available, always ready but not crowding us.Β  Before our dinner arrived, she blessed us with a free appetizer since we were “new folk.”Β  What a great night!Β  This girl performed her job well, and I still remember that evening — I long to go back.

As a Jesus Chick, I am called to be a servant, one who helps others and points them toward choosing Christ.Β  Am I being attentive, but not overbearing?Β  Do I share the truth with grace and clarity?Β  Are others attracted to my Savior because of the gifts of compassion that I freely share?Β  Will people develop a hunger for God through interacting with me as his representative?

I must confess that my “attract-ability quotient” as His ambassador could use some improvement.Β Β  I grow weary too easily when “pesky people don’t show an appetite for Him.Β  I claim that I want to be “fruitilicious,” yet I am reluctant to roll up my sleeves and get my hands dirty.

Good service requires self-sacrifice and commitment to the needs of others.Β  Will I stay the course and serve with a smile?Β  This prayer from Paul’s epistle to the church at Colosse has challenged my selfishness :

We pray that you’ll live well for the Master,

making him proud of you as you work hard in his orchard.

As you learn more and more how God works,

you will learn how to do your work.

We pray that you’ll have the strength

to stick it out over the long haulβ€”

not the grim strength of gritting your teeth

but the glory-strength God gives.

It is strength that endures the unendurable

and spills over into joy,

thanking the Father who makes us strong enough

to take part in everything

bright and beautiful that He has for us” (1:10-12, MSG).

I meet “new folk” all the time who are confused by the many choices on the menu of life.Β Β  My job is to whet their appetite for the food the truly satisfies.Β  I must stop gritting my teeth in order for His joy to flow freely and spill over on to their plates.

Q4U:Β  How do you practice “good service?”Β  Any tips?

For 2013, my one-word focus is “Fruitilicious.”Β  Check out what that means here.

Joining like-minded sisters today atΒ Playdates with God, Hear it on Sunday: Use it on Monday, and Soli Deo Gloria.

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  1. I remember i was talking to someone who said, “You weren’t a Christian last year, were you?” But I was, I was just NOT being a Christian!!! I was what we call here in the Philippines, “masungit” or cranky!!!! And he remembered. How absolutely awful. This experience has helped me to be nicer, more encouraging, more friendly!!!

  2. What a great analogy, Lyli. Do you know that hospitality is a big part of our mission at The High Calling? This post reminds me of that and encourages me to take a fresh look at that part of my spirit-life on a personal basis. Thanks for that!

  3. Soooo glad you’re back in the saddle, girl! I love this line: “Will people develop a hunger for God through interacting with me as his representative?” and the idea of being attentive but not overbearing. Hugs to you and thanks for the reminder! Love ya! πŸ™‚

  4. I love Paul’s words in the Message translation. And I think today I’m going to define myself as a Jesus chick πŸ™‚ Hope your week’s great one, Lyli.

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