Final Words

Final Words |

Over the last year, we spent many quiet mornings sitting next to a giant. He wasn’t 10 feet tall in stature, but he was big in heart. My Cuban Abuelo was married for 70 years to the same woman, worked hard, and loved well. He was the patriarch and centerpiece of our clan, and his passing was an incredible loss to our family.

When you know that your time is limited, every moment with a wise man is sacred. You want to lean in and listen. Every word is important. Every conversation is meaningful.

II Timothy 4 is Paul’s swan song – his last letter written with the knowledge that his life would soon end. Paul wrote half of the New Testament under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and these are his final words to us, the body of Christ. As I read this chapter, I see Paul’s passion to communicate a clear message to us as we move forward in faith.

My sisters, life is hard. Paul understood this more than we can imagine. He faced persecution, public humiliation and accusation, beatings, and extreme opposition every day of his life all for the cause of Christ. But through every attack and hardship, one thing remained constant in Paul’s life: the power of Christ was greater than any problem he faced.

Here is what Paul wants you to know…

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