Fight the Ugly

How to Fight the Ugly |3dlessons4life.comPhoto Credit


Some days, I just need a swift kick in the pants. The spoiled brat in me is ugly.

I throw around phrases like  “Why me?” and “I deserve better.”

Yep.  It’s ugly.

My ugly entitled heart is displeasing to the Lord.

I hate the pride that rises up within me. I surrender it over and over again at the foot of the cross. Yet, I find that I am still a manipulative narcissist in the depths of my soul.

I think I am brilliant. I tend to put my needs first. I secretly envy the successes of others. I find great enjoyment in flattery and praise.

At my worst, I grow resentful and impatient when I don’t get my way. Rather than concern, I lean toward criticism.

Lord, help me to fight the ugly is my daily prayer.

How to Fight the Ugly:

  • Choose an attitude of gratitude: Be a blessing counter, not a complainer. Remember some days we have to offer up a hard hallelujah as a fragrant offering.
  • Look forward with hope: Rather than focus on our circumstances, let’s keep eternity in view. Our hope in Christ is rooted in the past, endures in the present, and is fixed forward on our eternal glory in the future.
  • Pray for perseverance: Ask God to help you stay planted in faith. Stand strong in grace and dig in with determination.
  • Breathe in the peace of God: Choose rest and allow God to renew your spirit.

I will be grateful for this day.  Ugly won’t get the best of me.  

Keep Fightihng the Ugly |






Something to think about…







  1. Gratitude is always a game changer for me. I keep my gratitude journal on the cook book shelf, just about at eye level, and try to make that one of the first things I do when I hit the kitchen in the morning.
    Your words are so relevant!

  2. Thank you for hosting. I loved “Be a blessing counter, not a complainer.” So true!

  3. Yes some days we have to remember to count our blessings and I do try every single day when it’s raining on a day like today and seeing all my flowers blooming. Love your hard hallelujah.

    Thanks for the link-up.

  4. You’ve written my own story, Lyli. It’s crazy how self-focused we can be, isn’t it? Thank God for grace. I’m joining you in the search (& find) for gratitude today.

  5. I can identify. Pride and self-focus have been surrendered to the Lord many times over, but they are still everyday battles that keep me depending on and pleading to Him. Good advice!

  6. Yes, I say these same ugly things too, Lyli: I throw around phrases like “Why me?” and “I deserve better.”

    Instead, may I take your advice and be grateful, be hopeful, persevere, and breathe in God’s peace!

  7. Lyli,
    Yes, a daily choice to choose gratitude and to look to Christ. Praying God strengthens and encourages you and your husband, may you both know His deep abiding joy and presence with you…((hugs))

  8. Lyli, thank you for these words today. So often I find myself embracing the “ugly” instead of turning to God. May He give us grace to turn to Him and embrace gratitude. Blessings to you!

  9. I am often dismayed at the *ugly* inside of me – the thoughts and feelings and actions that are so NOT God-honoring. I am also quite chagrined at how often I enjoy giving vent to the ugly. I guess the human sin-nature is strong within me.

    But, with the Lord’s help, I will battle the ugly, and pray for His strength to focus on “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise…”


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