Fall On Your Knees

Fall on Your KneesPhoto Credit:Β  Alois Grudner, via Pixabay

This upside-down world will knock you in the gut and break your heart.

Today was one of those days.Β  I wanted to pick up a big eraser and wipe away the headlines.Β  I wanted to right a wrong.

I longed for truth and justice in a world filled with lies, confusion, and oppression.

Thankfully, this world is not my home.Β Β  One day soon, my King will come and make all things new.Β Β  He reigns over all.

So, tonight, I put on my big girl pants and stopped whining about what I cannot control.Β Β  I chose to take my eyes off my crazy, out of control circumstances, and I placed them firmly on Him.

I chose to worship Him in the midst of it all, and He softly and tenderly reminded me of what is true and right and eternally unchanging.

Perhaps you can relate.Β Β  Are you harried and troubled by your present day reality?

In the midst of it all, fall on your knees.

It’s when you look up that you remember that He taught us to love one another.Β  You remember that His law is love and His Gospel is peace.

Christ is King.

He will break every chain.

Christ is King.

He will crush all oppression.

A new and glorious morn is coming.

Let all that is within us praise His holy name.

Something to think about…



  1. Sometimes the single lines from the familiar songs are most profound when they stand on their own. “Are you harried and troubled by your present day reality?” An important question, one that reminds me of Jesus’ words to Mary. Your decision to fall on your knees to the One who has all things under his authority is a good–though not necessarily easy one. Praying for you and your family as you wrap your minds around this change in policy.

  2. I am falling on my knees today too. God is calling me out into the deep in a situation that puts me way over my head. God has to help or it’s impossible. I want to rest in peace in this place. Thanks for the encouragement, Lyli.

  3. Oh boy Lyli, I’m with you. Our God reigns! But I know what happened yesterday is not a good thing. What a crazy world we live in. Praying for your Cuban relatives and friends to have peace that passes understanding.<3

  4. Lyli, as we continue to hear the events happening all around the world, falling on our knees seems to be the only thing we can do. And thankfully He is able to do all things. I am grateful that one day, He will right all wrongs. May His peace rule in our hearts in the midst of all we cannot understand. Blessings to you, Lyli! XO

  5. This world just gets crazier and crazier, it seems. O Come O Come Emmanuel is the cry of my heart. Longing to see Him make these wrong things right. In the meanwhile, doing my best to let Him flow through me.

  6. The best place to be when all feels out of control is on our knees and praising His Holy Name. Blessings to you, friend. Sorry I haven’t been by more frequently lately. Always grateful for what you share. Wishing you a Merry Christmas! Much love. xoxo

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