Drought Proofing
“But blessed is the man who trusts Me, God,
the woman who sticks with God.
They’re like trees replanted in Eden,
putting down roots near the rivers—
Never a worry through the hottest of summers,
never dropping a leaf,
Serene and calm through droughts,
bearing fresh fruit every season.”Jeremiah 17:7-8, MSG
I am sharing Drought Proofing with like-minded sisters at
I love the word, “serene.” And that photo, Lyli, drips beauty.
I needed a little serenity this week, Sandy. That word made my heart happy, too. 🙂
perfect match
I am refreshed here
Me, too, Karin! I am so thankful that He is Living Water. 🙂
refreshing drops of nourishment here … drinking His promises deep this morn, Lyli.
Drop by drop… Each one is brings life. 🙂
Dear Lyli
Oh, man was created to live in the Paradise of God’s Presence. Only there do we flourish and bear fruit.
Blessings XX
Isn’t it amazing that we left the Garden, but now He dwells in us?
That verse was one of the first I memorized last year. Such a lovely photo with that powerful word!
It’s a great memory verse, Ginger. I am hoping to be more diligent at this spiritual discipline in 2014. 🙂
Absolutely loved this ! His Word NeVer fails!!!
My friend, you came and left a comment on my blog. I am so blessed! 🙂
I’m not a Message person, but you just shared some of my favorite verses. I also really love the photo. Just a quick mind, heart, spirit grabber. Thank you much.
Joanne, I don’t read The Message for my quiet time, but sometimes when I need blogging inspiration, it is my muse. 🙂
Beautiful encouragement!
Thanks for hosting “The Weekend Brew,” Barbie! I am always so encouraged whenever I visit your blog. 🙂
Such a beautiful picture! So glad you stopped by my blog, so I could find you today! I leave here refreshed.
Hi, Cheryl! Thanks for the return visit. Blessing to you. 🙂
I love this image! I’m super excited because I’ve been looking for verses about God’s children being compared to trees. Thank you so much!
Oh, I have a list of those! Check out these: Psalms 144:12, Hosea 14:5-6, and Psalms 128:3 🙂
Love how your paired the verses (part of my “trust” for 2013) with the image; beautiful 🙂
Love your word for 2014, Dolly! 🙂