Disclosure Policy

Hi friends!

Here at lylidunbar.com and the Wildfire Faith Community, I strive to bring you fuel for a wildfire faith to help you love deep, pray big, hope full, and stand strong.

There are a number of costs associated with running this ministry website, so sometimes when you click a link to another site where you can purchase a product or resource, it’s an affiliate link where I may earn a small amount from your purchase.

In addition, I may accept opportunities to write posts, share special offers, run giveaways, or write a series of posts where I work directly with a company, ministry or author, and they are underwriting the costs involved.

Please rest assured that I only do this when I feel the product, post, or giveaway will fuel your faith and be beneficial to you. If it helps spark my faith first, then I will share it with you.

If you ever have questions or concerns, please drop us an e-mail at lylidunbar@gmail.com.


This policy was last updated May 19, 2018.

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