
Hold Fast in Hard Times — Strike a Match (Day 7)

  This weekend, the weather was beautiful.  The sky was blue and cloudless.  The breeze was light and refreshing.  I wish every day could be like a perpetual sunny day.  Unfortunately, rain is bound to come.  We must accept that storms are a part of life. When a squall hits at sea, we are often…

Hold Fast in Hard Times — Bright Lights (Day 6)

A few years back, we got hit by strong hurricane force winds in our area.  The eye of the storm landed north of us, but the impact spanned several counties. The power was out for two weeks in some neighborhoods, but God mercifully sent a cold front to Florida, and we opened our widows and…

Hold Fast in Hard Times — Held (Day 4)

 When the road seems long, remember you are held in His mighty arms.       I’m sharing “Tie a Knot” joining The Nester and friends for #write31days and joining like-minded sisters at Still Saturday and Give Me Grace. To see all of the posts in this series, head on over here.

Hold Fast in Hard Times — Stay on Message (Day 2)

  Yesterday, I fought a battle with my cell phone.   I was sitting in my car in a parking lot waiting, so I decided to clean out my voice messages.   I pressed the delete button, and then I went to the trash bin and deleted the message yet again.  My inbox was now uncluttered and…

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