
How to Plant Hope in Your Heart as You Pray Together

How to Plant Hope in Your Heart as You Pray Together

Last July, I whispered a crazy prayer request to a friend. I was preparing to go to my very first writing conference ever, and as I packed my suitcase, I crammed so many hopes and dreams into every crevice of my overstuffed luggage. I wasn’t sure what God was going to do, but I knew…

1 Simple Way to Make a Significant Difference in Your Marriage

  At 41, I honestly did not think I would ever get married. Nearly a decade had passed since my last date. I chose to not worry about it though. If God wanted me to be a wife, then certainly he would send me a husband. In early 2008, I partnered with two other singles…

1. Why is it dangerous to think our lives are about us? 2. Why do we let failures get us down? How should a proper view of our identity affect the way we view our failures? 3. How should a proper view of our identity affect the way we view our successes? 4. God calls us to do many different things. Why should our confidence not be found in ourselves? In whom should we find our confidence? How will this affect our work? 5. Why is it important to see yourself the way God sees you?

When Death and Defeat are Swallowed up by Victory

We are in a battle. Death is rising up and seeking to swallow us whole. The enemy of our souls wants to destroy us and keep us captive to sin and sorrow. We are fighting disease and family dysfunction and depression. We are contending for the souls of our children and the heartbeat of our…

How to Focus on God in a World Full of Distraction

How to Focus on God in a World Full of Distraction

I am easily lured away from focusing on what is important. Shiny things catch my attention, and my mind wanders off on a rabbit trail of diversion. I think I have the disease of distraction. How about you? Maybe like me you can waste an entire day trolling Facebook and being nosy. Have you ever…

This 1 Beautiful Truth Will Transform Your Perspective

This 1 Beautiful Truth will Transform Your Perspective

My dad lost 40 pounds the year I was born. He was young, so young. He’d fled his home country to America to find freedom – leaving behind his parents and all he knew. He met my mom, and they exchanged vows. Two year later, I arrived with unexpected challenges. My hip never fully developed….

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