
How to Challenge Yourself and Fuel Your Faith for 365 Days

How to Challenge Yourself and Fuel Your Faith for 365 Days

The words jumped off the page and grabbed me as I read them. Right there in my morning devotional, I received a challenge and assignment for my year. The author mentioned that many times God brings us through a season of sickness, and on the other side of our healing, we are called to point…

How to Face Unafraid the Plans that We've Made

How to Face Unafraid the Plans that We’ve Made

I know that everything is in God’s hands, and I can face unafraid the unexpected. I know that in my head, but sometimes my heart starts racing anyway. December was hard, friends. The last 30 days have been so hard I think I developed a bad case of spiritual amnesia. Like George Bailey in It’s…

Dismantling....When You are Refined by Trials

Dismantling: When You Are Refined by Trials

My attendance was routine. My allegiance was unwavering. Everything was functioning just as it should–until it wasn’t. I slowly started dismantling. For as far back as I can remember, church played a significant role in my life. If the doors were open, my family was somewhere inside, so it should come as no surprise that…

3 Terrific Reasons to Give during Troubled Times

3 Terrific Reasons to Give Thanks during Troubled Times

Right now I feel like a pending monsoon of misery is looming over my life. Severe atmospheric conditions and spiritual warfare are clouding my view of God’s goodness. The enemy of my soul is raining down discouragement. and I am not sure I have an umbrella big enough to protect my heart. I know that…

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