
When You Long for God the Father’s Love to Embrace You

When You Long for God the Father’s Love to Embrace You

When my husband and I got engaged, his friend Hal thought it was necessary to educate me on the ways of marriage. Hal was schooled in matrimony by his wife from Venezuela, and now that he was no longer wild and free, he considered himself a marital expert of sorts. We were standing in front…

When You are Refined by New Things

When You are Refined by New Things

We set off, my family and I, into the high desert. Unfamiliar territory, it was marked by slot canyons and stark terrain. We were mountain hikers, more accustomed to treading over soft, tree-lined paths than through stony expanses. Trailhead signs warned that heat kills, admonishing all who dared pass to carry two liters of water….

How to Stay Fervent When You Are Facing Adversity

How to Stay Fervent When You are Facing Adversity

  This morning I woke up and got dressed and determined to face my day with a positive attitude. However, the minute I stepped out of the bedroom door, I immediately realized something awful had happened in the middle of the night, and my resolve quickly disappeared. Something had shifted while I was sleeping, and…

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