“O Lord my God, I cried to You for help and You have healed me.” Psalms 30:2, ESV Joining like-minded sisters at +++ Photo Credit
Tonight, we went to the theater. My best friend’s kiddos were in drama camp production that re-told the story of Jonah as a Western. I enjoyed the adorable show, but now I desperately want a pink cowboy hat and possibly some spurs and a lasso. The story of Jonah always jars me — God told…
In 2009, I married the man of my dreams. The week after our honeymoon, we came home and started attending Missions team meetings at Billy and Lynda’s house every Sunday afternoon after church. We prayed for our trip to Haiti and rehearsed the skits we would perform for evangelistic meetings. We gathered in their comfy…
I struggle with balance. I think I may have multiple personalities. My pendulum swings from completely lazy to frantically busy. Somewhere in the middle, there must be a happy medium. That’s why I read Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver. I was hoping she would show me how to sit…
“…Pursue a righteous life— a life of wonder, faith, love, steadiness, courtesy. Run hard and fast in the faith…” I Timothy 6:11-12, MSG Joining like-minded sisters at +++ Photo Credit: © Kamchatka | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images
Over the last few days, I climbed up on my soap box once to many times. Do you ever rant uncontrollably? This week, I did. Not pretty. I know why I am striving and not resting — I rushed my mornings and my quiet time. My spirit is sounding an alarm. So, tonight while my…