
31 Days to Fruitful Living — Day 15

Sow joy.  This gladness of heart springs up from faith.   A joyful person holds an exuberant outlook on life so that inner peace is not disturbed by outward turmoil.  The joyful choose to rejoice and keep moving forward with “holy optimism.” Joy is rooted in an understanding that our Sovereign God is good.  He is…

31 Days to Fruitful Living — Day 14

Have you ever tried to describe how kiwi or mango tastes to someone who has never sampled that fruit?  How do you put that into words?   Some things are hard to describe. Thankfully, the Scriptures clearly describe the fruit of agape love for us.  Take a look at the description below to determine if you’re…

31 Days to Fruitful Living — Day 13

Sow love.  All fruit is an outgrowth of this divine seed — affection, good will, benevolence that embraces Truth.  This Agape love does what is best, not what is desired. Sowing requires effort and intention.  Ask yourself how can you spread God’s love today?  Seeds of love are small acts of unselfish attention.  Plant a…

31 Days to Fruitful Living — Day 11

At blossom time, a tree must be pollinated for the fruit to develop.  One way to ensure this is through “cross-pollination.”  Basically, your tree should not stand alone — it needs some “tree friends” close by.  The wind will help carry the pollen from one blossoming tree to another.  The end result is all the…

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