
31 Days to Fruitful Living — Day 22

A juicy piece of watermelon on a hot, blistering day is perfectly refreshing.  If you read up online on the benefits of this fruit as I did, you will discover that some consider watermelon to be a “miracle recovery fruit” after a workout. Kindness is also a “miracle recovery fruit”  — When life gets “hot,”…

31 Days to Fruitful Living — Day 19

Sow patience.  This fruit gives one courage to endure long and not give up.  Patience strengthens your ability to act with self-restraint, rather than impulsiveness.  A strong dose of its nectar helps one to step back, extend mercy, and accept that “vengeance belongs to the Lord.” A patient person fully believes that God is orchestrating…

31 Days to Fruitful Living — Day 17

Sow peace.  This fruit is characterized by an inner harmony that promotes accord and tranquility.  Peace planted in the soul and cultivated by the Holy Spirit will prosper even if faced with the rages and havoc of war.   This blessed fruit produces contentment with one’s earthly lot.  God, the Master Gardener, rewards those who…

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