Bible Study
Maybe like me you want more Bible Study, but you are feeling weary and overwhelmed by life and having trouble making it happen. Friend, you are welcome here. I get it!!!! Some days it’s a struggle to find the strength to get out of bed and consistently reach for your Bible.
The Wildfire Faith Bible Study Community is a safe space to find Scriptural encouragement online without all the negative noise of social media.
We make quiet time do-able by focusing on a few verses at a time using a simple format.
Want to join me?
I want to invite you to join me and an amazing group of women for daily encouragement in the Word. Check out this safe online space to get Scriptural encouragement — free from all the drama and distraction of social media.
F.U.E.L. Your Quiet Time
The method of this Bible study we use is our own unique take on the SOAP method of Bible study. Here’s how you can “F.U.E.L Your Quiet Time” every morning:
F: Focus on the Word.
We’ll start by digging into Scripture. Write out the focus verse for the day, and then circle or underline any key words you notice that stand out to you.
U: Unpack the Truth.
We’ll unpack the key message God is sharing with us to help us live with greater wisdom.
What do you learn about who God is from this passage?
What do you learn about how you should live?
E: Envision your Future.
We are called to be “do-ers” of the Word. What is a simple action step you can take to apply the truths of this passage in your daily life.
How will this impact how you treat others?
How will this impact your decisions?
L: Linger in His Presence.
Conclude each day surrendering your way to the Lord’s will as you offer Him your heart. Ask Him to help you lay your all on the altar.
Do what works for you!
If you are not inclined to use this format of study, that’s okay – just do it your own way! We just want to know what you are learning as you share each day in our group. I particularly like this method of study because it gives me a chance to go back and reread the verses, ponder the observations, review my applications and pray for transformation. At the end of the week, I love to look back over what I’ve written and reflect on what God is teaching me.
Daily Devotional Encouragement
Every weekday, you will get a devotional email, and you will also find them posted on our community home page — and then collected in the archives.
The PDF Bible Study Workbook
If you sign up for the whole year as a member for The Firepit Circle, you will get a PDF workbook at the beginning of every study.
Want to enhance your quiet time? Check out the digital downloads of our devotional study journals available for purchase in the shop.

NEED more faith fuel? Take a Bible Study course. you’ll get a pDF copy of the Study JOurnal plus WEEKLY video teachings WITH LYLI.