
AwakenedPhoto Credit


I woke up with a start.

Thunderous power reverberated through my frame.  The heavens were alive with glory and light.

I laid in bed listening to the voice of the Lord and contemplating His mystery.

Many moons ago, He had awakened me unexpectedly from a dead slumber.    My spirit came alive.

He filled my days with His light.

He is still awakening the lifeless.

Let’s pray big and ask God to give us eyes to see.  All you view today may be dry and defeated, but the Word of the Lord thunders down and breathes new life into our frames.

He restores.  He empowers.  He transforms.

He is still the God of the great exchange.

Rise and shine, my friends.  Today might be your revival day.


Holy Spirit, awaken us.


Let’s Talk:  How has God breathed new life into you or your loved ones as you’ve prayed?


Let’s Pray Big in Community:

This year, my desire is to lift up holy hands and “Pray Big.” Want to join me? I’ve created a private “Pray Big” Facebook group for like-minded sisters to share their stories and surrender each one to our mountain-moving God in prayer. Let’s cry out to God together.

Pray Big for 31 Days Button











I am sharing “Awakened” and joining like-minded sisters at Give Me Grace, Still Saturday, The Weekend Brew, Spiritual Sundays, Faith-Filled Friday, Blessing Counters, Live Free Thursday, Tell His Story, Coffee for Your HeartTestimony Tuesday, Purposeful Faith’s RaRaLinkup, Rich-Faith Rising, Sharing His Beauty, and Playdates with God.


  1. Lyli, this is a beautiful post! I have been amazed at how I can remember well the day the Lord “woke” me up. I am so grateful He does not leave us in our slumbering state! Your post reminded me of the verse in Ephesians 5:14, “Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” May we walk in His light all of our days!
    You made it, my friend!!!! Blessings! XO

  2. The Spirit healed my heart several times and protected me when a variety of places in our nation and when in other nations with and for Him. Anyhow, I trust Him momentarily re: my time here in earth and then on my way to Heaven. He’s greatly touching and keeping and showing us what and when and how. Bless you…. OH and I always like/love your photos and the Words. You are special!!

  3. The God of Light, the Creator of thunder and rain and lightning, and all things natural, I praise Him for His bounty and His mercy which He rains upon us. I have been blessed, Lyli.

  4. Lyli–thank you for such great posts all month long, several hit home, and enjoyed you on periscope. You’ve encouraged me to pray BIGGER!

  5. Thank you so much for such an encouraging post!

    Our Lord never slumbers. He works for our good and His glory even while we sleep. What comfort we have in knowing that He prays for us with groanings to deep for words. He is our Helper.

    Praising God that He has sealed me with the Holy Spirit.

  6. Prophetic truths, Lyli.. Encouragement to keep moving forward. I love this. Empowered by faith to trust that HE is always always always good and no matter what that will never change. Even when the circumstances seem grim, He is able to make what feels impossible more than possible because He is a greater than God. 🙂
    Bless you,

  7. Pray BIG indeed! How blessed is it when we hear our Lord God thunder? And He has a message for us? Blessed beyond our capacity to totally comprehend.

    May I invite you to share your words at the DanceWithJesus linkup? if so. Bless someone there too! Thank you Lyli

  8. Lovely, Lyli! I love it when the Lord awakens one of His children and wants to chat. So glad I stopped by. You happened to be next to me on the RaRaLinkup. Yay! Bless you for the Pray Big. You have such a precious heart. Big hugs!

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