A Beautiful Difference


Some days, this world tells you that you are nothing.  A nobody.

Nothing will ever change — you will never achieve that dream and transform your life.

Some days, the voices of nothing want to erase your hopes and eradicate your dreams.

If you listen to those empty voices, you end up depressed, defeated, and desperate.

Some days, nothing is your story.

But if you listen quietly in the silence, you will hear the call of Love.

Love says you are a somebody.  Love speaks tenderly and says you are chosen, cherished, capable.

Everything is possible when you listen to the One who came down in Love.  He creates a beautiful difference that transforms your nothing into something significantly spectacular.

But you are the ones chosen by God,

chosen for the high calling of priestly work,

chosen to be a holy people,

God’s instruments to do His work and speak out for Him,

to tell others of the night-and-day difference He made for you—

from nothing to something,

from rejected to accepted.

I Peter 2:9-10, MSG

I am sharing “A Beautiful Difference”and joining like-minded sisters for Five-Minute Friday, Still Saturday, Give me Grace, and Three-Word Wednesday.

Photo Credit: PDM, via Pixabay



  1. “chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do His work and speak out for Him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference He made for you— from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.”

    Excellent piece. As one who is both responding to & struggling with the call, your message is a splash of cool water. Thank you.

    What is this translation? I like the poetry and simplicity.

    Happy to have found your blog through #FMF. I’ll return again soon.

  2. I go through that, in a way. Wondering if I’m doing what I should do, reaching out to whom I should, and being friendly/having friends… spiritually speaking at least. Some days wonderful, some days filled with sorrow. Thank you for sharing so straightforwardly.

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