5 Lessons Learned Upon Turning 50
I am now half a century old. Pass the chocolate.
I got an AARP card in the mail a few days ago, and I almost fainted. I promise I was fifteen just yesterday.
Thankfully, my fabulous friends helped remind me that greater things are yet to come. (I’ve got the best friends).
So, just in case you are turning 50 any time soon, I wanted to share 5 reasons why you should celebrate. (If you aren’t turning 50, just save this post for future reference. You will wake up older and wiser sooner than you think.) .
5 Lessons Learned Upon Turning 50
You Can Have Your Cake and Eat it, Too
Isn’t my cake fabulous? My best friend designed it, and our friend Cassie (who is brilliantly gifted) created it. The cake was so pretty we almost didn’t want to eat it. But, cakes are meant to be eaten, so we picked up our forks and sweetened up our palates.
I am reminded that God gives us abundant sweet gifts, but we must “open our mouth and taste” and fully receive His delights. Gobble up, girls.
Time and Patience Pave the Road to Success
My wise accountability partner, Brenda, brought me a visual reminder to place on my desk to help me stay the course. With God’s help, we will keep plugging along with grit and grace until we reach the other side.
Sharing Your Hard Story Can Help a Sister Heal
Madelyn found great wisdom in the pages of this book and encouraged me to read and then “pass it on.” If you hoard your story and keep it a secret, someone will miss out on the miracle.
An Authentic Life is an Inspiration
Kathy’s card was my favorite. I placed it on my desk as a reminder to “take off my mask” because the real Velveteen Lyli is much prettier than Pinterest perfect and pristine.
The Darker the Day, the Stronger We Must Shine
There are still pages to be written in my story, but I must turn the page. My job is to let my little light shine — to “be generous with my life.”
We can face the future without fear for God’s fingerprints will fill up every page.

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Birthday blessings! Thanks for these encouraging words for those of us gaining experience daily!
Thanks, Liz! I was going to wrote 50 lessons, but hey 5 seemed to cover it. 🙂
Happy birthday, dear Lyli! I love this wisdom, and what a beautiful cake! I’d seen a picture of it on IG maybe, but hadn’t realized it was your BIRTHDAY cake. I love the part about living an authentic life. Welcome to the 50’s club. 🙂
Thanks, friend. Yes, the cake was all the rage at the party. So pretty!
I loved the card. It’s going to be a bit of a theme as I take on this next decade. 🙂
Happy birthday to you! I remember seeing that amazing cake on your Facebook page. I too would have been hesitant to eat something so beautiful as that! The Glass Castle is one of the best memoirs I’ve ever read, and I’m sure you’ll love it. That little gold snail is a great reminder too!
Thanks, Sarah. I am super excited about reading it.
Happy birthday, Sweet Lyli! So glad the world has a reason to celebrate YOU!
Aw, thanks! You are such a sweet cheerleader friend, Michele. xo
Birthday blessings, friend! You always ooze encouragement and the love of Jesus. I am so grateful for you! xo
Love you, Joanne. One of the best things about blogging is it brought me you. xo
Oh, happy birthday, friend! Looks like you had a fabulous time celebrating! xo
Thanks, Kristan! Hope you are settling into a new rhythm with the kiddos now that the school year is rolling in. xo
Some great insights and lessons learned! Thank you for sharing. Happy Birthday, Lyli! 🙂
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEET LYLI!!! God’s fingerprints are truly all over you! Such a blessing you are to us, to me.
With love, ~ linda
Happy Birthday, Lyli! You’re still young. 🙂 I’m turning 65 this year and I just ignore those AARP letters that keep coming. Now I’m getting Medicare stuff. I’m too young for this!!!! Like you, wasn’t I just 15 yesterday??? Anyway, I still feel young and I’ll keep going till God calls me home.
Blessings to you!
I loved everything about this post, Lyli. I think my favorite part, though, was your cake. That your friends would create such a cake for you says so very much about you. Happy birthday to you. May it be the beginning of an incredible year.
(And also, I’m about a year behind you, so I appreciate the wisdom!)
I love this post, Lyli. I remember when I turned 50 (5 years ago). It was a grand celebration of life and what God has done and is doing in my life. Your cake was amazing!
Here’s to 50 more wonderful years!
Oh my 50! You’re just getting started!! I hope you had a wonderful birthday! It sounds like it was fabulous for a fabulous lady!!! Love and Hugs!!!