4 Ways to Respond to Ferguson with a Missional Heart


A young man lost his life on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri. His parents are grieving, and his community is in crisis. A law enforcement officer is in seclusion in fear for his life. His family also hurts, and his brothers in uniform are on the defensive. As images of demonstrations appear on television, we grieve as well. Incidents like this remind us that we still have much ground to travel on the road to social justice and racial equality.

As Christ followers, how can we respond to this painful reality in a way that honors our Savior? If Christ were walking the streets of Ferguson today, how would He respond to demonstrators? How would Christ advise local law enforcement? I don’t have all the answers to those questions, but I do have 4 suggestions from Scripture on how to respond with a missional heart…

I am honored to be sharing over at Missional Women today.   Head here to read on and then pray for God to show us the way.

One Comment

  1. Blessings to you, Lyli, and thank you for the link up. This is such a tragic event, I can’t even believe things like this happen in our world. Will we ever stop the division; this us and them, and instead just see God’s people?

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