4 Keys to Keeping on Mission as a Dating Couple


To succeed at any great endeavor, you need to have a plan.  Don’t you agree?  For example, as a college student, I had a calendar, a course catalog, and a budget.  I didn’t just show up to class and expect everything to fall into place.  I made sure I had my textbooks purchased, and I had read the syllabus before day 1.  I came with sharpened pencils and a nice notebook to take notes.   I had my “game face on.”

The same preparation principle applies to almost everything I can think of – for example, running a marathon, spending a summer in Europe, and purchasing a home all require careful thought and a well-laid out plan.

Why then do we not understand that dating requires the same type of careful planning and preparation?  When you meet the man of your dreams, you want to make sure that you have your “game face on.”

Dating success is more than just purchasing some cute outfits and making sure that your hair looks perfect.  If you want to stay on mission, you need to have a plan.

My suggestion is that you get some new sharpened pencils and a notebook, and then sit down with your man over a cup of coffee to discuss what your mission is as a dating couple.

If you need some direction, my man and I would like to offer you some advice.  Here are four key principles that helped guide our dating season that I think will be beneficial to you….

I’m sharing over at Missional Women today.

To read the rest of this article, join me over here.

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