31 Days to Fruitful Living — Day 17
Sow peace. This fruit is characterized by an inner harmony that promotes accord and tranquility. Peace planted in the soul and cultivated by the Holy Spirit will prosper even if faced with the rages and havoc of war. This blessed fruit produces contentment with one’s earthly lot. God, the Master Gardener, rewards those who plant peace and strew its seed.
Plant peace in your family by surrending your rights, rather than fighting for control.
Plant peace in your workplace by cooperating with your co-workers, rather than comparing.
Plant peace in your church by joining in closely, rather than judging from a distance.
Plant peace in your community by extending your hand to your neighbor, rather than putting up a spiteful fence.
Plant peace in your soul by making room for quiet, rather than crowding your days with busy.
“And those who are peacemakers
will plant seeds of peace
and reap a harvest of righteousness.”
James 3:18, NLT
Q4U; What can you do today to plant seeds of peace in your family? in your workplace? in your church? in your community? in your soul?
A wonderful and encouraging post today, Lyli!
Thanks, Marty! I love that verse from James 3. It’s one of my new favorites. 🙂
Oh, i love that verse! That would be a great one to use with my boys. We talk about the difference between troublemaking and peacemaking – hopefully one day the Spirit will grow the seed we’re planting in them, too! 🙂
Melissa, this verse is such a gem, isn’t it? I memorized it last year after reading a great book by Ken Sande on Biblical conflict resolution called The Peace Maker.