31 Days to Fruitful Living — Day 10


Winter is coming.  Trees need protection from the cold as a frozen trunk is susceptible to cracks that could eventually split the wood entirely.

One way to protect your fruit from this blight is to paint the trunk white.

Spiritually, we need to apply God’s forgiveness to our frosty hearts regularly.  This requires self-examination and humble repentance.

Recently, I’ve started practicing asking myself 3 Examen Questions I discovered while reading Richard Foster’s classic Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home:

  1.  Am I becoming less afraid of being known and owned by God?
  2. Is prayer developing in me as a discipline?
  3. Am I learning to move beyond personal offense and freely forgiving those who have wronged me?

As we confess our sins, the Master Gardener washes our hearts white again and breathes His life-giving warmth into our core.


Therefore repent and turn back,

so that your sins may be wiped out,

that seasons of refreshing may come

from the presence of the Lord.”

Acts 3:19, HCSB


Q4U:  What steps do you take to protect your heart from growing cold?

Thanks for joining me for Day 10!

Come back tomorrow for Day 11 of “31 Days to Fruitful Living.” We will chat about “spiritual pollination.”  I may have a black thumb, but I am determined to learn how to cultivate my spiritual life.
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