24 Hour Hotline

24 hour hotllinePhoto Credit: Anja Osbenberg, via Pixabay



I spent about two hours today trying to order a resource from a publishing company for one of the adjunct instructors I oversee at the college.

Two hours with little success.

My original contact informed me via e-mail that he had been re-assigned and was no longer my representative.

Apparently, I was lacking representation.

He suggested that I order my text through the website.  I explained that I had already done that eight weeks ago, but I still had not received what I needed.

I asked if there was a direct customer service number where I could call and speak to a live body.

No.   Not possible.   Not going to happen.   You are not important enough.  You don’t matter enough.

Have you ever had an experience like this?  You desperately need help.   You need a personal touch, instead of an automated rejection.

I am so thankful that my God is fully accessible to me.  I never get a busy signal.  I am represented by my Advocate, the all-powerful Savior who conquered sin and death to set me free.

God will move mountains to ensure that my needs are met.   As His royal daughter, I lack no good thing.

I am accepted.  All things are possible.  God is intimately attentive to His own.

Heaven has a 24 hour hotline.

Personal attention is just a prayer away.

Psalms 4:3

Something to think about…








  1. That is so frustrating to not get a real person to talk to. Been there. So yes, it makes God even more spectacular in comparison! Always available and attentive–to us? It’s crazy. ha. A miracle indeed. Grace.

  2. To remember, Lyli, that I can call upon the One Who is always available … that is where I need to work. And to remember that He wants to hear from me.
    Praising Him,
    and I am caring through Christ…about you, sweet Lyli, ~ linda

  3. May we never take for granted that on the cross the veil was torn. Let us always boldly approach the throne of grace with reverence and gratitude.

    Love this reminder today, Lyli. Thanks so much for hosting the link-up.

    May He continue to fill your cup to overflowing.

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